
11 Ways to Improve Skin Texture

11 Ways to Improve Skin Texture

If you’ve ever had to deal with rough, bumpy, or dry skin, you’ll know first-hand how frustrating it can be. So, here’s 11 ways to improve skin texture.

When skin issues feel out of our control, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what’s wrong and how to take care of it. So, we gathered and researched and here’s how to improve skin texture.

There’s various kinds of reasons why our skin’s texture can be rough, making it confusing when trying to figure out the best way to fix it. Diet, genetics, medications, aging, hormones, and more can all lead to changes in skin texture.

Personally, for me, it’s my hormones but for someone else, it can be allergies or just genetics. But whatever it is, we all want that Korean glass skin, and Messycafe is here to help you find that glow and boost of confidence in that early morning.

Luckily, there are some great solutions at hand, and the options keep improving for effective ways to improve your skin’s texture.

So, keep reading for our insights on how to improve skin texture and some root issues that can cause problems.

What causes poor skin texture?

Poor skin texture is often a result of dry skin, a buildup of dead skin cells, nutritional issues, dust, and dirt, as well as a lack of exfoliation – all these can lead to rough or textured skin.

The link between diet and skin texture

As we all know, what we put on our insides affects our outsides. The importance of a balanced diet that is rich with colorful vegetables and lots of nutrients to help all manner of skin issues, including texture.

Lean proteins, high-quality amino acids, fiber, and healthy oils all contribute to glowing, smooth skin.

natural ways to improve skin texture

how can one improve skin texture?

1. Use a retinol.

There’s simply no denying the effectiveness of retinol. This vitamin A derivative is used mainly to treat anti-aging concerns, but using it regularly can make a huge difference in the quality of your skin’s texture.

If you’re ready for the big time, you can ask your dermatologist for a prescription-strength cream. It also helps with my seasonal skin issues and I’m never turning back.

Not quite ready to go so hardcore? There are plenty of retinol creams available at varying strengths at drugstores and Sephora.

2. Adjust your diet.

Loading up on skin-friendly superfoods will do wonders for your skin, and don’t forget to drink lots of water!

• Carrots

• Leafy greens (spinach, kale, arugula)

• Cruciferous veggies

• Pumpkins

• Sweet potatoes

• Salmon

• Chia seeds

• Avocados

3. Use SPF.

As if we needed another reason for loading up on sunscreen, even on gray days! The importance of using sunscreen every day to help protect the skin not just from UV rays but to improve skin texture as well.

Blotch, damaged skin can definitely make your skin feel drier and rougher, as well as affect the visible appearance. Knock those concerns out with a great SPF and you’re good to go.

4. Reduce stress.

I know, easier said than done, but stress and trauma can negatively affect the texture and appearance of your skin.

Do your best to get eight hours of sleep, pop on a meditation app, and take some time to nurture yourself. Not only is it good for your skin, but your mental health as well. Everyone wins!

5. Exfoliate regularly.

Expects recommend exfoliating one to three times a week for maximum results and the best way to exfoliate is with an enzyme mask and exfoliating cleanser. However, it’s important to not over-exfoliate since that can actually make skin texture worse.

Once your skin’s natural moisture barrier is compromised due to over-exfoliation, it can lead to issues like breakouts, hives, and more. Start slowly incorporating it into your routine and see how your skin reacts before you up the ante.

Environmental vs. genetic factors

Genetics plays a huge role in our skin’s appearance, but environmental factors also play a part. You aren’t in a prison of skin texture issues, even if it does appear to run in the family.

Stress is a huge factor for poor skin texture as well as diet, lack of sleep, the weather, hormones, and even potentially using the wrong skincare products. The good news is, you can definitely work with what your mama gave you to improve your skin texture.

Expects recommend exfoliating one to three times a week for maximum results and the best way to exfoliate is with an enzyme mask and exfoliating cleanser.

However, it’s important to not over-exfoliate since that can actually make skin texture worse.

Once your skin’s natural moisture barrier is compromised due to over-exfoliation, it can lead to issues like breakouts, hives, and more. Start slowly incorporating it into your routine and see how your skin reacts before you up the ante.

6. Hydrodermablasion facial.

If you feel like you’ve tried all of the above already, then step it up with a hydrodermabrasion facial which exfoliates the top layer of dead dry skin. This treatment uses vacuum extraction, exfoliation, hydration, and a serum infusion to resurface the skin.

Using this kind of service every four to eight weeks as regular maintenance, which can cost anywhere depending on your provider.

7. Double cleanse.

If you’re not doing this already, then it’s time to start double cleansing your skin stat! This two-step cleansing routine ensures you’ve removed makeup, dirt, and grime.

Use gentle cleansers that won’t strip the skin and potentially cause breakouts or other texture issues. Start with a cleansing oil or balm to remove makeup and dirt, then go in with an exfoliating cleanser to gently polish and brighten.

ways to improve skin texture

8. Chemical peels.

A chemical peel is absolutely beneficial for your skin – and no, it’s not like Samantha from Sex and the City. There are so many options at varying strengths so you can easily find a peel that’s effective with practically no downtime.

Once you use a chemical peel, you’ll be hooked for life and your skin will thank you!

9. Morpheus8.

Another good option for resurfacing is the Morpheus8 treatment. This is a micro-needling device that uses radiofrequency energy to remodel and contour the face. It is a fractional treatment that penetrates deep into the skin helping to resurface and tighten.

There is some discomfort during this treatment and the downtime varies per patient but expect about 2-3 days and up to two weeks for full results to appear. Generally, it will run as a good treatment.

10. Micro-needling.

If you want to invest in an effective treatment that is great for texture, acne scars, tone, and fine lines, then try looking into micro-needling.

The procedure involves tiny needles that are used to create controlled micro-injuries to the skin in order to produce collagen and elastin. Treatment usually starts depending on your provider.

11. PRP Micro-needling.

In PRP Micro-needling, PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma, and you’ve maybe seen it being referred to as the “vampire facial.”

This kind of micro-needling involves taking a blood sample, separating the PRP from the blood, and then using it during a micro-needling service.

Since plasma is vital for healing wounds and injuries it can increase the efficacy of the treatment by helping the skin tissue to repair itself. PRP micro-needling is definitely an investment though!

If you have any questions regarding anything do comment below.