
7 Tips for Building Your Addiction Recovery Support Network

If you want something from someone, it best to ask for it specifically, or you are not likely to get what you want. This requires you to think through what would be helpful BEFORE you have the conversation. Don’t worry though; you can always change your request later with another conversation. The fellow participants will already either have some knowledge about the topic or at least be interested in learning about it.

Having a strong sober support network can significantly reduce the odds of relapse, or the length of relapse if it does occur. Sober support networks are a vital component of recovery in order to prevent relapse and maintain and improve emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness. Consequently, understanding how support networks can benefit a recovery program and what types of networks are available is essential for people who are battling addiction. Hop over at this website to help you look for addiction support and resources.

Emotional Support

Instead, you should surround yourself with those who genuinely support your sobriety and care for your well-being and recovery journey. Having many positive role models additionally provides a web of inspiration. It makes you feel less alone as you become part of a team that is there to get you through the difficult times. Surrounding yourself with people who support you and vice versa will help you feel less isolated and more inspired to avoid engaging in unhealthy behaviors. If you need someone to offer encouragement and motivation to continue working towards a healthier, sober life, you should try this.

Without accountability, you will find ways to justify behaviors and actions that are not consistent with your recovery plan. Whether it is family, loved ones, those in12-step recovery programs, or your sponsor, having people in your corner to guide you to the right path is crucial in keeping your sobriety. Luckily, there is no shortage of AA or NA or other 12-step meetings out there, along with SMART Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, and many others. It’s best to go to several different meetings or events in order to find someone that identifies with what you are going through. Living in a world in which you feel like you’re the only person who knows about what you’re going through or trying to do it alone, can be a very lonely way to live. First of all, we should say that anyone that is still currently drinking or using isn’t going to be a good sober support person.

How to Build a Support Network in Recovery

Being around the people that you used to get high with or go out drinking with regularly could trigger a relapse. Their lifestyles are not conducive with your new sober one; you need people who are going to support you new life, not interfere with it. • Within a sober network, you are given the opportunity to redevelop sober social skills.

  • A sponsor is someone who can walk you through what they did to stay sober.
  • Remember, it’s not always easy to make friends – and oftentimes it’s much more difficult to make lifelong friends.
  • Explain that it would help you tremendously if they would respect your decision by not drinking or doing drugs around you.
  • Seeing all the positive changes in your life is exciting but be sure to take everything one step at a time.

You need to be able to depend on people for advice, help, understanding, etc. Reliability is key, as you will be relying on these individuals in one way or another. Having a group of people who can spot and tell you if you are beginning to fall back into bad habits can be extremely helpful. This is because being aware of your choices can prevent you from relapsing and keep you on a positive, sober path. Get great free recovery-related content like newsletters, blog posts, podcasts, videos and invitations to special SMART Recovery events delivered straight to your inbox.

Some Final Tips for Developing a Strong Sober Support Group

Although developing a sober support network is a priority during the early stages of recovery, this does not apply to dating. In fact, if you’re not currently married or in a long-term relationship, it’s best to avoid starting any new romantic relationship for at least one year. Getting sober is a major life change and you need to focus on learning what type of person you want to become before you commit to an intimate relationship. sober networking Isolation is a common relapse trigger, and a sober support network helps fight against this by surrounding you with like-minded people. Sober individuals will not pressure you into using drugs or alcohol but will motivate you to maintain your sobriety. Rehab centers often offer couples and family counseling and are typically able to educate the people who surround individuals who have struggled with substance abuse. Simply search online for drug addiction rehab near me to get treatment today. For holistic healing, visit Carrara’s luxury alcohol rehab center in Los Angeles. Their approach combines luxury with effective addiction treatment.

How to Build a Sober Support Network

Simply defined, accountability is having someone who can be candid with you—especially if you are slipping in your recovery. Those sober supports who hold you accountable will be 100% honest, and they will offer you insight on how you can get back on track. Alumni groups promote healthy discussions while continuing to support recovery including looking at building trust in relationships, navigating new social circles and making new friends.

Qualities to Look for in Good Sober Supports

When it comes to family members and friends who were around during the bad old days, some patience and understanding will go a long way. Dealing with an addict in the throes of their addiction is exhausting for everyone. Furthermore, there are likely trust issues and raw feelings due to those times. You’re probably riding that “pink cloud,” ready to solve all your problems simultaneously. However, it’s best to take a breath and let your loved ones work at their own pace. Look for the people who have some time and consider finding a sponsor.

How to Build a Sober Support Network