
Mugdha Rahatekar: Life Reloaded

Mugdha Rahatekar
Mugdha Rahatekar

Mugdha Rahatekar: Life Reloaded

Mugdha Rahatekar is a Cancer Survivor, she talks about her battle and Post Diagnosis Journey, “Pravin (my husband) and I had just returned from our annual vacation. That trip to San Francisco was hands down one of our best trips so far.

But, a week after our return I felt discomfort in my abdomen. I was not even able to pee. A doctor friend of mine suggested that I should go to an ER. Followed by a succession of blood tests, CT scan and a gyno visit I was diagnosed with a tumor.

The doctor conveyed that I would require surgery at the earliest. It was an open incision surgery involving removal of the tumor, the left ovary and the fallopian tube. He also instructed ‘if we find anything suspicious then you should be prepared for a full hysterectomy (removal of the ovaries, fallopian tube, the uterus and the omentum)’. We signed the consent forms.

A week after my first surgery the doctor called to tell us about the biopsy results. I had a cancerous tumor. I was advised to have a hysterectomy. The 2nd surgery was scheduled 6 weeks after my first one.

Everyone was fraught at first but post-surgery everyone around me made sure to alleviate the situation. Pravin worked from home for a few weeks. Be it early morning or late night he was right beside me on the bed catering to all my needs.

Staying indoors was next to impossible for a travel junkie like me. But those incessant video calls from my near ones is what got me through.  Resuming work during the treatment also helped me restore normalcy.

Be it one of my friend’s mother knitting a lovely cap for me during the chemo; my nephew taking up the kitchen responsibilities or my boss advising me to take a day off when I felt wan after the sessions; everything acted as a catalyst during my recovery.

And finally, after 6 sessions, I was declared treatment free last year! An oncology nurse sent me off with a missive that day. I am NED (No evidence of disease) and will be declared cancer free after 5 years of having good results.

Hearing that you have cancer is a lot to handle but going through the treatment is a lot more. I’m glad I got through with the constant support of the people around me.

Now that I’m recovered, Pravin and I have been planning for a trip with friends and family. I’m sure it will beat our SFO trip!”

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