
Ajmira Shaikh-Meet the blogger

Ajmira Shaikh

Ajmira Shaikh is the founder of– a travel and lifestyle blog. A content creator, writer, bibliophile, and an art-enthusiast, Ajmira is a true all-rounder.

As a passionate traveler, she documents her life on her social media. Her fashion choices are a spectacle in the digital world. Along with being a content creator, she is also the founder of ArtsyGeeks, a Social Media and Influencer Marketing Agency.

Want to know more about her? In following this interview, you will know more about Ajmira, while she talks to Team Storiyaan about her work and achievements.

Ajmira Shaikh


Questions and answers

We were wondering if you could start by talking about your page @artsygeeks?

Artsy Geeks is a Digital Social Media and Influencer Marketing Agency I started. We cater to a niche crowd and manage their online presence and branding. Our focus is to deliver excellent results for ambitious clients while sharing our knowledge among the broader industry through influencer marketing and events.

Lifestyle Blogging often covers a large part of one's life. What made you choose not just this plethora of elements?

I didn’t plan to create content around a particular genre, nor did I plan to be a content creator. Before starting, I used to upload pictures of my life on Twitter and Instagram simply; and I had already gotten a lot of love from my readers. More so, even brands started getting in touch with me, that’s when I thought of giving this entire thing a professional spin. Once I started, I didn’t stick to any particular genre, I just put out content from all parts of my life, and it worked perfectly.

You seem to love literature too. Name three of your favorite books and quote one line.

My love for literature goes back a long way. It developed in school, and I ended up doing my Graduation and Post-Graduation in it. Three of my favorite books are A Tale of Two Cities, Wuthering Heights, and The Book Thief by Markus. This quote from the first book sums up our situation-

It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.” From A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.

Can you give us a little peek into

I found in 2017 for the love of writing. Since then, I have been writing extensively about travel, fashion, lifestyle and beauty on my website.

One of your most recent posts on the blog is about working from home productively. How crucial was it for you to write that post?

Yes, it was written, keeping the Lockdown in mind. Since many people started working from home because of the Lockdown, many of them were uncomfortable with the idea. So I shared my work-from-home tips with my readers who had helped me.

Tell us about the role of fashion in your life and how it shaped you as a creative blogger.

I always found fashion very interesting. It started from my childhood when I used to see my mother draping Sarees and choosing a hairband or bangles to pair with it. In school, I used to observe what my teachers would wear. Subconsciously, these things do shape our fashion sense. So I grew up with a lot of love for fashion. I love to be dressed in the trendiest clothes and also to shop a lot during my travels. I cannot imagine my life without fashion.

You seem to be a foodie. Do you take enough precautions when it comes to having exotic dishes? How do you decide what's healthy for you and what isn't?

I always make it a point to try out the local cuisine of every place I visit. If I don’t, the trip just feels incomplete. It’s very easy for me to stay healthy because I have a low appetite. Although I try out different things, I am not an adventurous foodie. 

Your Instagram Bio says you've been to 23 countries. Name any three countries and specific places you'd love to visit again.

Japan- Kyoto

Vietnam- Ha Long Bay

Italy- Florence

Can you give us your opinions about the importance of literature in these grueling times?

Books are proven to divert minds from the traumatic news about these unprecedented times. I usually end up listening to Audiobooks while doing my chores. It’s an effective way to increase one’s reading time. Also, Audiobooks help you in getting out of the reader’s slump.

How do you finance yourself with the blog? Many other bloggers wish to earn a living too. Do you work other jobs at the same time?

I work on campaigns with Travel and Lifestyle Brands and Tourism Boards. Besides being a professional blogger, I also run a Digital Marketing Agency by the name of Artsy Geeks.

You recently did a blog on Beauty Routine during Quarantine. Can you talk on the importance of hair or skincare, especially during this Lockdown?

It is essential to look clean and presentable even when one is working from home. It has an impact on our mental health. The pressure to look good in our houses amongst our family is very less during the Lockdown, but it’s important to have certain beauty routines. Since we do not have access to salons at this time, it’s extremely important to indulge in beauty rituals at home. 

Which is your favorite cuisine and culture?

I love food in the Middle East. The flavors melt in your mouth.

I am also in awe of the Japanese culture. It’s very intriguing how they have managed to keep their culture intact despite being one of the most advanced countries.


Can you give a word of encouragement to the young and upcoming bloggers?

Start with whatever you have. Do not wait for the better gadget or that fancy travel. You can start with your phone camera by exploring your city or town. Focus on your content and post consistently. DO NOT compare yourself with other creators.

Do you have any other blogs or websites you work on?

I mainly blog on and do not have any other blogging channels as of now.

Who inspires you, both in life and as a blogger?

I truly get inspired by the books I read and by my travel experiences.

Quick 5

A. Travel Essentials – Hand Sanitizer, Mask, and Face Shield keeping in mind the current situation.

B. Favorite Makeup Brand – Chanel, Nars, Charlotte Tilbury

C. Guilty Pleasure – Cake and other desserts

D. Travel Style – I love fashion too much to stick to one style, but if I had to pick my travel style, it would be comfy and chic.

E. One Travel Horror story – Once I was traveling without a return ticket. I was asked to show my return ticket by the immigration officer. I booked it then, and luckily, I got the ticket at a lower price than usual. Always plan your trip!