
5 Min Bit With Anjali Sharma

Anjali Sharma

“If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.”  –  Toni Morrison

Anjali Sharma lives by what Toni Morrison pointed out so succinctly. Since her very childhood, Anjali wanted to leave her mark and that sheer determination brought her success early and young.

Her interest in art and literature resulted in a bestselling book called “Perception”, when she was 17 years of age. Moreover, her ability to learn, explore and challenge herself did not stop here. In 2020, she founded her business, “Fushaya” where she curates and offers modern, minimalistic and classy jewelry and accessories. Read more about the trailblazing Anjali in this insightful conversation with Storiyaan.

Anjali Sharma


Questions and answers

What was the most unique and distinctive feature in the literature that made you dwell in its vastness and the want of becoming a lecturer?

I see literature as the blueprint of life. Our understanding of literature is conditional and we all see and visualize it in our idiosyncratic ways. It’s thought-provoking and also very comforting. Teaching on the other hand has always engrossed me and I want to be a positive influence in somebody’s life and pass on as much knowledge and skills as I can.

Could you share with us your experience while writing your first book "Perception" and how well did it set your benchmark?

As an introverted person writing became my tool of expression and I used it to escape to a fictional world since childhood. Once I started sharing my work on social media the love and response from the audience made me venture into writing my first book. The entire process was strenuous but it was worth the effort.

What sparked your love in indulging yourself in the intricacies of the fashion world?

I have inherited my love for fashion from my mother. She has an elegant sense of style and I always looked up to it. Moreover, she used to dress me up in colour-coordinated outfits with proper accessories and eventually I started enjoying it myself. And this inherent interest pushed me to explore my creativity in fashion.

You generally set a lasting mark wherever you go. What is the thing that keeps you so motivated and positive to approach something whole-heartedly?

Ever since I was in school, I have looked up to people who stand out of the crowd, who embrace their individuality and never let their originality get watered down. I was always enthused over leadership and strongly believe in my calibre and principles as they keep me motivated. Notwithstanding victories or missed shots, I keep myself on my toes for challenges and create opportunities.

What uplifted your ideas to give your passion for jewellery and styling a chance in the shape of a business?

I am pleased to be surrounded by creative and visionary people. I have friends and family who are pursuing their passions and are successful at that. Thus, it was their persuasion and my tenacity to take on challenges that made me turn my passion into a profession.I grabbed the opportunity to showcase my fondness for jewellery, accessories, photography, visual arts and styling, and turned it into a business.

Being a student and an entrepreneur, what are the strategies that are helping you juggle between your academic life and business?

Running a small business can be exhausting and consume all your time. There has been days when I had to pull off all-nighters but with time I have managed tode-stress and unwind whenever I can. I make sure I am well-rested, hydrated, and healthy to perform better. Additionally, I never overburden myself as I wish to enjoy my time and explore newer projects.

What would be your advice and some financial tips to the students who are planning to start their start-up which is completely different from their academic life?

My only piece of advice is to shun fear. Don’t be scared of hard work, consistency, failure, rejection and disappointments as it’s all a part of the package. Apart from this I would also emphasize understanding the financial aspects and try to make your business sustainable and affordable. Enjoy the journey and never stop learning.