
Filmy Bob-A swing at filmmaking


Filmy Bob-A Swing at Filmmaking

Filmy Bob shares,” Becoming a filmmaker is not easy in a country like India. It’s not only the film studies and skills that matters, but before that, you must belong to a family with a broad understanding of the culture.

I am from the Hindu community, and three years back, I started my career in film making. My Dad, being a businessman in the steel market least, believed that doing this can earn me even a penny. I somehow managed to shoot videos on my Mom’s smartphone whenever he was out for work and rearranged the setup I did before he returned home. My Mom supported me with a little investment to buy green screens from some online store, and I indulged myself in advanced video editing. I went on with my passion and bought a new camera from my little earnings and my Mom’s savings.

The day came when Mom confessed to Dad about my plans to move into the filming sphere, and as expected, he denied all my proposals and asked me to focus on my studies in science.

It so happened that we had an upcoming short film festival in our town, and my team and I decided to participate. I worked on it for days for 14 days and submitted the work.

When the passes were out, I decided to take my Dad to the screening, saying that it was some science exhibition. I was glad that he waited till the end and saw me receiving the Best Editor award. After we went back home, Dad hugged me, saying to my Mom that he felt proud to say to everyone that I was his son. This incident changed my life in ways I could never imagine.

Currently, I am working as a freelancer in advanced VFX with clients from major parts of the globe. I have continued to make short films, and I’m securing a degree in filming and exploring things before I set foot in the industry.”