
How to cure PCOD/PCOS?


As they say, it is not easy to be a woman. How can one expect to live a stress-free life in a world where everyone is busy climbing the ladder of success? There is no time to relax. Understandably, but all you need to do is set a balance. In this busy schedule of life to maintain a healthy lifestyle is a must. After all, health is wealth. For a woman, it is essential to be aware of certain condoms related to the reproductive system. One of them being PCOD, a polycystic ovary disorder that is the most common condition women experience today. It abuses women of childbearing age. The situation is quite common; similar findings are often overlooked. Most women don’t even know that they suffer from PCOS. The passage of time, in this case, does not refer to anything fatal, but PCOS tends to affect the reproductive system and metabolic health of the body significantly. Now, why is this happening and how to cure PCOD/PCOS?

PCOD does not really have a cure other than hormonal pills that faithfully affect your health and can also cause weight gain, which are best to avoid. Now what can you do other than that? For the solution to this problem read on.


Let’s start by combining the symptoms:

The symptoms of PCOD are the front face of what goes on inside the body. They appear as the result of hormonal imbalance. 

  • Infertility: Infertility is the most common symptom of PCOD due to premature and problematic ovulation shown in your irregular menstrual cycle. 
  • Hairfall and unwanted hair growth: Insulin resistance gives rise to hyperinsulinemia leading to hyperandrogenism. Meaning, excess secretion of male sex hormones. This causes male pattern baldness and hirsutism.
  • Acne: Not the general acne, we women deal with it. But if you have problems with excessive and uncontrollable acne, then you may want to dig deeper into the problem.
  • Obesity: This is one of the biggest problems with PCOD. You tend to gain weight even after you put yourself on a diet. And that is when the situation becomes tough to deal with. Most women who have PCOS gain weight and find it difficult to reduce it. There is unexplained weight gain in many cases.
  • Insulin resistance: This causes high levels of insulin in your body. Cells in the body fail to use the produced insulin thus sending a signal to the body to increase the amount of fluid, and that leads to elevated levels of insulin in your body.
  • Anxiety: Yes, anxiety is real but you have to ask yourself how it relates to PCOD. Anxiety leads to depression, and this affects your hormone secretion, thereby disrupting hormone levels.

How can you deal with PCOD in a natural way?

Even if you have a lot of artificial options, you can actually choose natural and healthy options like good nutrition and basic exercise. 

On top of these to live a healthy lifestyle and say goodbye to PCOD forever. It may not be as easy as taking pills, but it will be healthier, more effective and a long lasting solution.

As you have already seen, weight gain for PCOD is a problem for lots of women, so let’s talk about diet and what is wrong.

  1. PCOD DIET :

PCOD Diet chart is very important in PCOD control game. But how do you know if you’re overweight and you need to lose some weight? It’s really easy. 

If your PCOS diet chart is over 25 years old, congratulations you need to lose weight and join a tough journey to do just that. Remember that even a small change in your weight will help you to cope. 

You need to know that you cannot skip meals. Skipping food increases your blood sugar level which will affect your insulin levels, so have a regular diet. Combine that with 30 minutes of exercise every day, and say ‘no’ to smoking. That’s all. It’s simple and easy, not really but one can always try and can incorporate it in his or her daily lifestyle.

2. Nutritious food : 

You can make oats and fruit as your new bae. Because your body needs nutrients and not a crazy diet chart for one meal a day. The goal is not just to lose weight and look thinner; the goal is to give your body what it needs. 

You need to procure  anti-inflammatory food in your diet. So your shopping list should include raw vegetables, blueberries, and pineapples. High in protein such as fish, eggs, chicken breast, avocado, and good fats. But remember the key part. You need to control your food portions.

3. Adieu’s fast food : 

Yes, it’s sad but because it’s so good. Sprinkle your pasta dishes with green salad bowls. Replace white rice instead of brown. Avoid processed foods. Fruits are your new BFF like grapefruit, lime, lemon and berries.

4. Low and regular diets : 

This will help you control your blood sugar levels. Choose a smoothie for your breakfast, have a sandwich at noon, for lunch you can have something low. The goal is to be balanced. Seek help on youtube to make those boring salad dishes look yummy. 

 5. Not all fats are bad : 

Your body needs good fats. These good fats will enable your body to absorb vitamins such as A, D, E, K. What are the best fats? Foods such as avocado, salmon, mackerel and fish should be part of your diet.Have a cheat day: Food for PCOD needs is not easy, especially if you are violent, it will be your worst nightmare. 

So have a cheat day, don’t overdo it but fry whatever you want in small portions. This is because we do not want you to be sad and depressed about food, the last thing we want. Because PCOD diet and lifestyle go hand in hand.

6. Yoga and meditation :

PCOS not only affects physical health but it also takes a toll on mental health. Depression, anxiety, and mood swings are frequent visitors. 

Yoga help alleviate the state of mind and certain poses also stimulate the reproductive system. This can help in better functioning over a period of time. Meditation helps in calming your mind, it channels your thoughts and brings in positivity.

7. Physical activity :

Physical activity is a must irrespective of whether an individual is overweight or underweight. The reason being, it does not just help with weight, it also helps in regulating hormonal balance and also in improving skin texture by getting rid of the toxins. 

It also secretes endorphins – the happy hormones and uplifts your mood.

8. Get good sleep :

Sleep is associated with hormonal imbalance. Inadequate sleep can be a reason for your hormones going haywire. A good night’s sleep is crucial and cannot be compensated with an afternoon nap. Make sure you get a good undisturbed sleep for 7-8 hours at night.


9. Lifestyle changes :

Lifestyle is the way you choose to live every day. Your habits, your activities, all come under lifestyle management. While you are adopting a healthy lifestyle, make sure you follow the following 

DON’Ts :

  • Avoid foods and drinks that are high in sugar.
  • Avoid fast food.
  • Avoid fried food.

PCOS can put a woman at a higher risk of several diseases when left uncontrolled.

These changes are beneficial for all, but when it comes to health, one size does not fit all. The approach for PCOS management changes from woman to woman. 

So it is best advised to consult a gynecologist and a health expert to go about it!