
Ramesh Arreja: The Tale Of A Banker Turned Writer

Ramesh Arreja

“I believe that everyone has a passion and a profession. Your profession often makes it difficult for you to keep your passions alive but if your interest and will are strong enough, you will eventually be victorious.”, perfectly illuminates Ramesh.

Ramesh Arreja is a Banker who turned to write when his keen interest in creative writing opened doors to the world of a Writer. Born into a Business Family in Bhopal, Ramesh was utterly unconscious of his hidden expertise for most of his life until he started his Blog called “Judiciously Yours”

With a decade’s experience in the banking industry, he has also published a self-help book titled “The Number Crunchers” which is an accountancy guidebook for laymen. While the bureaucracy and monotony of a Bank Manager often keep Ramesh busy, his vigour and alacrity for writing made him publish his first fiction, “Extraordinary fate of an Ordinary man”. In addition, he is an aspiring screenwriter and is a member of the Screenwriters Association of India. 

Explore the unusual journey and story of Ramesh in this engaging conservation with Storiyaan.



Questions and answers

What were the major factors that made you gravitate into becoming a banker by profession?

I did not have childhood plans to become a banker. It was simply that, I was in college and the opportunity came my way during campus recruitments. Hence, I hopped into it. Moreover, being the eldest child of the family, I had a responsibility to fulfil.

What were some of the setbacks that you initially faced during the start of your career and what major lessons did you learn?

Initially, the job was impressive as it was secure came with good pay since it was a government job. But slowly, I realised how that banking is not my cup of tea.

A major lesson you must learn as a banker is to be cautious as you will be financially responsible if something goes wrong. For example, if you are unable to tally the amount as a cashier, you will be personally liable to fill the balance. 

You have a keen interest in creative writing. Tell us more about it.

I have always wanted to be a storyteller but I was unaware of my latent talent to write. Fortunately, when I was posted in Goa, I got more leisure time to write and I started with blogging and later moved onto writing an academic book. But soon realising that educational book writing lacked creativity; I shifted to novel-writing.

You have written an academic book named, "The Number Crunchers". Could you please elucidate the content of the book and how it will help the readers?

When I entered the banking sector, I realised that a huge number of people who join this industry lack a commerce background. Besides, banking is majorly based on accounting and maintaining balance sheets, so I decided to write a book that could simplify accounting. The book is written in such a way that even a layman can understand accounts and I have backed it up with examples and elaborations.

You have been working as a banker for a long time. What is the one thing about your job that you like the most?

I work as a Bank manager in one of the Major Branch and have gone through several government yojna schemes to help the people. Therefore, when I come across someone whose business idea has immense potential but they don’t have the necessary funding. When I fund them, it turns their life and I am happy that I am able to touch so many lives.

You have a blog where you write short stories and poems. Do you use it as your platform to speak your heart out in the medium of art and how does it help you?

Although currently, I am not active on my blog, it was the first platform that helped me express myself through writing and get recognised for it. It is a beautiful feeling when I see people recommend my blog to others. Thus, I use my blog to put ink to my thoughts whenever I can.

You are an ardent follower of Lord Shiva. How has spirituality led you to radiate a positive impact in your day to day life?

It has brought immense change in my life. According to my experience, when you have faced tough times it helps you gain strength and hope to believe in a superpower. I am an ardent follower of Lord Shiva and I have read Puranas and scriptures which has taught me valuable lessons about life, ups and downs, virtues and vices. Therefore, I wish to give back to society and be a better human.

Tell us something about your fiction “The extraordinary fate of an ordinary man in a prejudiced world”.

All of my writings are influenced by my faith in Lord Shiva. This story is no different. The fiction is about a banker who gets embroiled in professional and personal problems getting greedy and sucked into worldly desires. Eventually, with spirituality and faith, he finds redemption.

You are a banker as well as a writer. How do you efficiently juggle between these two keeping both your profession and passion uncompromised?

Yes, currently I am having a difficult time balancing the two but I believe if you have strong faith in your passion and if you can take action on it, the solution is underway. Likewise, I have to travel long distances for my work but I utilise my time on the way and write or read during that period. Additionally, I think making adjustments and better time management skills help.

Nowadays we see a lot of people in India are investing in cryptocurrencies. What would be your advice to them as a banker and what are the things one should keep in mind while investing?

When you invest you need to understand the pros and cons, take a calculated risk before investing. Cryptocurrencies help you transfer money within a fraction of seconds but in my opinion, currencies like Bitcoin have reached their peak and will tank soon. Accordingly, when you invest a large amount make sure you compare, analyse, and check for security to see how much profit you will receive in the end.

Quick 5

1. Your favourite bookThe Immortals of Meluha by Amish Tripathi

2. The person you look up to the mostMy father

3. Your mantra in life – Follow your passion and don’t listen to those who bring you down

4. What is one particular thing in your life that you are very grateful about – Each and everything including the fact that I am alive right now.

5. Best poetry book to read Poems by Gulzar