
Gursharan Kaur: The Light At The End of Tunnel

Gursharan Kaur

Gursharan Kaur during a conversation with Storiyaan, opens up about her life’s struggles. “When I suffered from depression, my family and friends could not relate to my behavior. I was craving for someone to listen to my pain, understand and guide me. Changing counsellors became a constant.”

Withstanding like a rock, she was headstrong and soon metamorphosed her life with her invincible spirit. Presently, Gursharan is helping others fight depression with her venture “Mera Mann”. She is a Mentor, Life Coach and Motivational Speaker who is breathing and spreading the essence of life, joy and happiness. The entrepreneur-writer often articulates about her struggling years, thoughts and opinions through her pen. Read further into this chat to unwind how she did it all.

Gursharan kaur

Gursharan Kaur: The Light At The End of Tunnel


Questions and answers

Can you elaborate on the reasons that made you realize the need for a life coach in an individual's life?

The fear of judgment and opinions from our loved ones has made the role of Life Coaches important for people. When people have trouble sharing or get biased or insufficient help, we help them navigate their problems and assist in problem-solving.

What was the stumbling block that enabled you to conceive the idea of becoming a guiding figure and help others in overcoming their depressions?

The idea germinated from my struggle with clinical depression. I was clueless and in search of a helping hand. Therefore, I decided to choose this path of guiding others as there are several like me – waiting for help.

What are your ideas about poetry as a medium to vent emotions and as a way to escape the mundane world through words?

Words are the best way to articulate your thoughts and ensure coherence. I write poems as a means to jot my emotions and feelings. You can get lost in the world of poetry and that a pleasant bliss.

Numerous people these days suffer from depression and mental complications but often restrain themselves from seeking therapy thinking the issues to be quite normal. What would be your message to them?

Empathize with yourself. Understand that it needs help and seek professional help at the earliest. Please do not hesitate to prioritize your mental health.

It took you several years to get over your anxieties. Could you elaborate on your journey on this and how you finally managed to set yourself free over time?

Although depressed and suffering from immense anxiety, I was hopeful for change. I struggled, crumbled down but I refused to give up on myself. With assurance, I started pursuing a better life and soon I found a happier self.

You have been serving people selflessly for the last 5 years. Could you elaborate with us on one such memorable event that made you feel very proud and pleased with your role?

Yes, one such memorable event happened with an 82-year-old man. He was living alone, suffered from loneliness and tried to commit suicide. Today, he wishes to live beyond 100 and calls me every weekend to invite me for chatting over tea.

As you have taken motivational seminars on ‘dealing with depression’ in colleges across Delhi and NCR, what are the recurrent and most common issues found in the students of this generation and what are some of the effective ways to deal with those?

The most common and recurring issues that students are facinghas to be the pressure of living up to their parent’s expectations and the fear of disappointment. To help students, I encourage parent-student talks in schools which will give a platform for open communication between them.

You believe “Good relationships can heal any kind of depression". How do you build strong relationships with your clients so that the task of mentoring becomes easier on both sides?

I understand what they are feeling and don’t advise them unnecessarily. I know how difficult it can be and I assure them that I am here to listen as words help. In a nutshell, I visualise their problems as my own.

What are the new ways you are planning to bring about some significant changes in the life of others?

I wish everyone lives with a Purpose in life. Hence, I want to incorporate a sense of purpose in my mentoring sessions. This way, I can help guide everyone to search and work towards the said purpose.

You often guide your clients with motivational tips and advice. What do you think should be one major mantra in our life to keep us buoyant and sanguine?

It is important to practice selfless love. Our mantra should be to giveaway love and share our joys. Be kind and love others without judgments.

Quick 5

1. Poetry or short story – Poetry

2. Your favourite go-to place – Goa

3. The person that has inspired you the most – My Dad

4. How do you blow off your steam – I talk

5. Your favourite book – The Course of Love byAlain de Botton