
Prathiba Leo: Whatever It Takes

Prathiba Leo

Prathiba Leo, getting dismayed by the lack of inspiration in her corporate job, found herself through blogs. She started documenting her life in her blog and soon connected with her creativity and sense of self. In her words, “Through blogging, I reconnected with myself on a whole new level”.

Standing true to her name, Prathiba is nothing short of a gifted mastermind. Beyond her professional achievements of working with companies like Amazon and Walmart, she is also a Content writer, Copywriter, Language Expert and a Blogging coach. Find her talk about juggling work and passion, multitasking and more in this engaging conversation with Storiyaan

Prathiba Leo

Prathiba Leo: Whatever It Takes


Questions and answers

What were the biggest obstacles which you faced while trying to establish yourself in the blogosphere?

I think I feared not to be able to make a mark. The blogosphere was already saturated with established bloggers when I was starting which made me insecure about my work. However, once I started, there was no going back. It was consistency and patience that made me a recognized person in this space.

What kept you motivated at blogging despite the added pressure of your corporate job?

Although my corporate job has been a steady source of income, I was dissatisfied with the lack of appreciation for my skills. Blogging became a gateway to pen down my thoughts and augment my creativity. Thus, it was this creative outlet that motivated me to write irrespective of hectic work schedules.

Can you throw some light on how you manage your blogs and include them in your daily schedule?

Usually, I wake up at 5 am and have a free time of about 3 hours. While starting, I used these 3 hours to watch business content videos on YouTube, take courses on Skillshare or Allison Courses. Furthermore, I made extensive use of weekends and avoided corporate work during holidays or mornings.  

How do you fix the fee for the courses that you offer and how can those interested connect with you on the digital platform?

Since my goal is to be accessible to all, affordability is my principle. I offer 2-3 EMI options to all my clients and have never pressurised anyone to pay on time. Apart from that, my fees depend on the amount of time I am investing, the industry standards and the coursework.

Anybody willing to know more about the courses I offer can always reach out to me on Instagram – @millennialbeing_official or Facebook- Millenial Being or LinkedIn – Prathiba Leo. Moreover, I am also available at, if you wish to contact me via email.

What is your strategy to stay updated about the latest news and technology updates?

I extensively use LinkedIn and Instagram to know about my industry. This coupled with reading articles and books keeps me updated with all the latest news and information. Additionally, I also watch TED talks religiously, which brings in tons of hidden insight.

When you were initially starting, did you make any rookie mistakes? If yes, how did you rectify them?

Fortunately, starting my blogging journey with a mentor, YouTuber, Saloni Srivastava has been immensely helpful. She guided me to understand the nitty gritty of blogging and aided me in launching my blog.

However, there were times when I did not focus on SEO. Thankfully, I rectified these mistakes early on by reading implementing my mentor’s tips and also by extensively investing in courses online.

Recently, many bloggers are turning to niche blogging as a method to increase their income. What is your opinion on this stream of blogging?

Niche blogging is encouraging; however, newbies should not only get into it for making a passive income.  In my opinion, if you blog about a certain field, do it with adequate information and understanding.

Recently, micro niche sites with very good content are performing much better than authority sites especially in terms of revenue. Would you suggest bloggers create multiple micro niche sites and make money or stick to just one authority site?

Making money takes time and it can definitely not happen in the first month. Moreover, you have to be consistent with your craft. Hence, developing multiple websites will eventually burn you out and might also confuse your audience. I recommend you stick to one authority site and to put your best foot forward.

What impact did the pandemic have on your work and how has the blogging scenario changed since then?

The pandemic came as a blessing to further my plans. I had more time on my hands which helped me join courses, watch YouTube videos and read more books. Today, I am in a position wherein I can quit my job and focus all my energy and time to blogging and make an even bigger mark in this industry.

Quick 5

1. Your favourite read – Do it today by Darius Foroux

2. Your greatest inspiration – My father

3. Your daily mantra – It’s still day one

4. You cannot start your day without – Buttermilk

5. Online social communities you are most active on – Instagram and LinkedIn

Fun Fact – Meet Prathiba Leo, a Polyglot who has mastered 9 languages, including 3 international ones namely French, Spanish and Italian.