
Dhanashri Khedekar Kale: Do or Diet.

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What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘dieting’?

Devouring less? Irksome slim down regimen? Whenever it’s New Year’s Eve, we all make some resolutions. Most of them have ‘dieting’ on the list and these promises are later broken but we’re not here for a blast from the past (or picture from the future)!

If you have been a victim of such a situation, you should totally know about Dhanashri Khedekar Kale. She is a Clinical & Research Dietician who also specializes in Ketogenic therapies. Apart from all this rocket science, Dhanashri, designs customized diet plans based on client’s health condition, blood parameters & lifestyle with the appropriate type of diets.

“Success is not only shaping my professional career but also striking a beautiful work-life balance which, by the grace of God, I am successfully maintaining,” she emphasizes. Join us in this intriguing conversation with Dhanashri and find her talking in this discussion with Storiyaan

Dhanashri Khedekar Kale

Dhanashri Khedekar Kale: Do or Diet.


Questions and answers

Can you tell us what kindled your interest in becoming a dietician?

I always believed in making a good difference in people’s lives, so, I opted for a paramedical field that not only allowed me to shape others lifestyles healthily but also keep me and my family equally motivated to be healthy. This is the main reason for choosing this field.

What do you think is a USP as a ketogenic therapist? What do you think is a USP as a ketogenic therapist?

As a consultant dietician, I first review clients/patients blood parameters which allows me to design a customized diet plan for them considering   their health conditions and current lifestyle. This makes it more practical and easier for them to follow.                                                                                           I’m also training Qualified Dieticians for Ketogenic therapies and one-on-one coaching with life-long mentorship is my USP.

Can you tell us more about your success story?

In these 15+ years of my career, I’ve explored almost all areas of dietetics, right from being a clinical dietitian in multispecialty hospitals to being a corporate dietitian, then as a researcher and now an entrepreneur, that is, starting first of its kind online training course. It’s been a splendid journey indeed.

Apart from epilepsy, where is ketogenic therapy used? What are some of the other areas?

Currently it is being widely used for Weight Loss & PCOS.

For my Weight loss & PCOS clients, I have observed tremendous positive results of Ketogenic therapies.

I  also practice ketogenic therapy in other neurological disorders such as Autism, Alzheimer’s & also in Cancer & Type 2 Diabetes.

How is the therapeutic ketogenic diet different from the fad keto diet?

The therapeutic ketogenic diet is a well-formulated diet with authentic clinical evidence which is only given by Qualified Dietitian ( Ketogenic Therapist).

Ketogenic therapists select patients/ Clients depending on their blood parameters whereas, the fad keto diet is given to everyone and that too by quacks without any clinical knowledge which is not healthy at all. The two terms differ in these aspects.

Can you share feedback or a journey of your client that left an impact on your work and enhanced your confidence as a life coach?

As a life coach, my approach is not to convince the patients or clients for my dietary management but to give them the conviction that we can do it together. Every client has a special experience and, in this journey, my patients’ / clients’ dedication towards being healthy is absolutely motivating.

What is your aim 5 years down the line?

I aim to do a PhD in ketogenic therapy and I want to expand my online course for Qualified Dietitians.