
Karmjeet Singh Walia: Every Soul is Special

Karmjeet Singh Walia

Being awarded with Achiever’s awards for the category ‘Social service and poetry’, Karmjeet Singh is a mental health advocate has been volunteering for the last 8 years for multiple sustainable development goals.

Spending his life in social causes and living up-to them Karmjeet says,” I have been utterly grateful in my life but it has been a complete roller-coaster ride for me.”

Through the years, Karmjeet has accomplished happiness in helping others dream and bringing the nostalgic Khat (letters) era to existence. Join us in this enthralling conversation with Karmjeet and discover his thoughts through this discussion with Storiyaan.

Karmjeet Singh Walia: Every Soul is Special


Questions and answers

What sparked your interest to be a writer?

All credits for this spark will go to my friend who was my batchmate at Lovely Professional University. Her positive feedback to my poem pushed me to write more and more till it became a habit.

What are some special characteristics you feel are bestowed in you that makes you feel different from the rest?

What makes me different from the rest is to be someone who loves supporting and appreciating people, not only when they are low but also when they achieved something with an intent to leave a strong legacy behind.

You have been a part of multiple marathons and also have won 3 medals. Share with us one such journey when you ran the marathon for the first time?

My very First Marathon was last year in 2020 at Airtel Delhi I Marathon. Although it was a virtual event, the enthusiasm and adrenaline rush to run the marathon with North Kolkata⁩ Runners, my running family was the epitome of bliss.

What are the requirements one needs to fulfil if they want to run in a marathon and what special routine should they undergo as a part of their lifestyle?

One of the most important vital cogs would be self-discipline. Self-discipline plays a very crucial role as far as running regular marathons is concerned. Healthy and mindful eating as part of a special routine is a must.

Working as a catalyst, you have brought changes in the environment. What are these works that you mostly involve yourself in the recent past?

While working with Bhumi as a Catalyst, my Journey has been soul-soothing and soul-enriching. One, by cleaning lakes & railway stations, and two, by multiple tree plantation and seed ball plantations. In addition to that, we had road safety campaigns as well.

As the world has turned online and we are stuck inside four walls, writer's block is very common these days. what would be your suggestion on this to come out of it?

Writer block is very common and happens very often. So, the way to overcome it is reading voraciously. When I say voraciously, you need to explore every platform like Quora, Reddit or even from the comments section of Social Media platforms like Linkedin.

You have arranged numerous blood camps, helped the orphans and fed the hungry souls. Have these changed you as a person and if so, how?

My life has changed completely 360 degrees as a person. What I was back in 2015, and what I am in 2021 speaks a volume about it because of granting my time to people. In addition to that, I have had miracles only and only because of giving my time to others.


Can you share a rough patch in your work life that you have overcome and what helped you do it?

It was in 2015 when I was going through a lot because I was failing in my exams consistently in regards to professional courses and I had to part ways with an amazing woman in the same year. What helped me in overcoming this was my parents’ support and volunteering.

You have won the social service and the poetry award. What genres do you mostly focus on while composing and areas you focus on?

I am so grateful to be awarded with the Achievers Award for the year 2020-2021. As far as poetry is concerned, I love to write about everything, but most specific areas would be touching uncommon social issues that are generally whispered.

Being a person who always looks forward to helping others, what message do you want to give to our readers?

The message that I want to share with my readers would be “Be a reason for someone’s smile” as there are infinite ways to do it. One just needs to come forward and make a difference.

Quick 5

1. Mantra you follow in life: making a soul smile everyday.

2. One book that has changed your life: Born again on the mountain.

3. Your proudest milestone: Getting interviewed on Achievers night.

4. Your go-to place: Bookstore.

5. One characteristic that describes you: Attitude of gratitude.

6. The person whom you can look up to: My mother.