
Damini: The Missing Puzzle Piece


A counselling psychologist by profession, Damini has gained her educational qualifications from Amity University and was a goodie-two-shoes all along!

“There are no shortcuts to improving mental health” she spotlights. From working independently to starting her own practice, Damini had it all clear just since the beginning. She juggled many fields before finally establishing her flag in Counselling and Therapy!

Since Damini has become a Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy, it has been nothing but a voyage of progress and wisdom. With blaze and curiosity in her heart, she has slowly has been coming to the top with her skills and proficiency in her field. Dig deeper into this discussion and discover Damini chatting only on Storiyaan!


Damini: The Missing Puzzle Piece


Questions and answers

What intrigued your passion to take up psychology in higher studies and get into counselling and therapy?

Well, for me, it was an easy call to make. My friends often came to me with concerns and I offered them advice or two. So when it came to psychology, I picked it up naturally and once I got into LSR, there was no looking back. It’s a feeling of contribution and a want to help people, which initiated me into that field.

What is the process of hypnotherapy and how is it proven to be beneficial to clients?

Hypnotherapy is one kind of therapy or one kind of a therapeutic tool that can be used in the session. In easy words, Hypnotherapy is based on the principle of relaxation. It uses breath work, using mindfulness, body awareness, or visualization. Suppose an individual is anxious, here, hypnotherapy can help by helping them to use their breathing pattern to get into a relaxed state & then explore where the anxiety is coming from.

How do you manage your sessions with clients as each one of them might have different journeys of life and their difficulties?

Trying to understand a person coming from a different background, can be a bit challenging in the beginning. If one can understand what a person is grappling with and can focus on the issue, then the puzzle pieces start to form a clear picture, and I enjoy it. And now that I have experienced it, it’s not difficult either and self-development plays a big role here as it helps to understand the former.

Share with us clientele feedback that has motivated you to a great extent in your professional life.

I have gotten similar feedback from a couple of clients, but I will tell you about one of them which came from a client who arrived when she was in a terrible state. She was entirely isolated and had no support, so she came to therapy as a last resort. She had felt helpless in the beginning, but it was such an enjoyment to see her evolve. She said that I didn’t just change her life but also her point of view towards life and that she would’ve probably killed herself if it weren’t for these sessions.

In what areas do you cover webinars and workshops and how positive is it taken to the common mass?

My workshops/webinars are open to anybody from any area of life and I pick up the topics that most of us can be struggling with, i.e, mental health disorders or even the daily how to build relationships. All the topics are intricately connected to our lives and help to enhance the quality of life. Be it a student or an elderly, the online webinars are aimed towards mental awareness


You have written a Hindi poetry book "Rehguzar" & are also the Author of a recently published book – The Intentional Being. Can you give us an insight into it?

‘Rehguzar’ is my Hindi poetry book and I’ve been writing it ever since I was in school. A few people read it and the feedback was great so I went ahead and published it in 2017. This year my other book titled The Intentional Being was published which is a self-help book. I also write regularly for the Elephant Journal. I am extremely passionate about writing!

After trying hands in a variety of fields and having so much experience, what message do you want to pass on to our readers?

Each person needs to become intentional, become more aware of what they’re doing in their life and how are they are feeling about themselves because the other areas of life will only work well, if we feel that we can take care of ourselves. My only message is that we need to give equal importance to our mental and emotional health, the way we give importance to other areas.

To know more about Damini Grover and her journey, check out-

Damini Grover: Counselling for betterment.”