
8 Ways To Fix Your Dry Hair

Dry hairs

Does your hair feel brittle and coarse? Is it dull and difficult to style? Here’s 8 ways to fix your dry hair in no time.

Your hair may be damaged from years of mistreatment or it may be dried out from overwashing.

Dry hair doesn’t mean you have a serious health problem. In fact, it’s a common issue that affects many people all over the world. Dehydration, sun exposure, and excessive shampooing are all things that can contribute to dry hair.

The good news? There are also a number of natural remedies that can help you heal damaged and dry hair.

Keep reading to find out the causes of dry hair and how to fix it naturally.


Dry hairs

Signs of Dry Hair

Dry hair occurs when your scalp isn’t producing enough oil to moisturize your hair. And sometimes the hair itself doesn’t trap the oil and it escapes.

Having dry hair is a common complaint among men and women. The first step to knowing if you suffer from dry hair is to get familiar with the signs.

Signs of dry hair include the following:

Brittle hairFrizzy hairDull looking hair. Your hair dries faster at the ends than anywhere elseYour hair absorbs styling products quickly

If you often experience one or more of these then you likely have dry hair. The next step is to identify the cause.

Common Causes of Dry Hair

Dry hair can arise from a number of causes. If you can identify the specific cause/causes of your dry hair, then you can eliminate them.

A common cause of dry hair is a dry scalp. You see, your hair itself doesn’t have any natural moisture. It relies on oils produced by the roots for lubrication. You can identify dry scalp by checking for flaky and peeling skin, also called dandruff.

You may be surprised to know that age can also cause dry scalp. As you get older, your hair makes less oil, which causes it to dry out. Another factor that relates to age is hormone production.

Hormone changes can affect the health of your hair. Hormone changes occur in women due to pregnancy, menopause, birth control, or prolonged stress. Sometimes women notice their hair changing from shiny to dull and lifeless after quitting birth control or giving birth.

Environmental factors, like the weather, can also cause your hair to dry out. If you live in a dry, hot climate you may be more prone to dry hair. Increased exposure to sun, wind, and saltwater can also deplete your hair of moisture.

Dehydration can also lead to dry air. This is often caused by drinking too many caffeinated or alcoholic beverages and not enough water.

Your shampoo may also be contributing to your dry hair. Harsh chemicals can strip your hair of moisture and destroy its protection by penetrating the cuticle.

The cuticle is a protective layer that surrounds every strand of hair. It protects your hair from heat and sun damage. When the cuticle is damaged, it peels away and can no longer retain moisture.

Health Conditions

There are also several health conditions that can lead to hair loss and dry hair. This includes eating disorders like anorexia and hormonal conditions like hypothyroidism.

If you frequently experience other symptoms such as fatigue, in conjunction with your dry hair, then consult your doctor.

Dry hairs

Here are 8 simple remedies for treating your dry hair

  1. Get a Fresh Trim

If you’re struggling with dry hair, a haircut might be all you need. A new trim gives your hair a reset by getting rid of split ends and damaged strands. 

See your hairdresser and ask them to cut off any hair that’s coarse and unhealthy. This can help make room for fresh, healthy hair to grow.

You can also ask your stylist if they have any recommendations for keeping your hair moisturized. They may have some tips for how you can keep your hair from getting damaged.

  1. Don’t Wash Your Hair Every Day

Using shampoo too regularly can damage your hair and strip your hair of sebum – a natural oil that gives your hair that shiny look.

In fact, sebum is very important as it not only moisturizes your skin and hair but it also helps protect against infection. Washing your hair less frequently may help it look healthier and less dry.

When you do wash your hair, make sure to use a shampoo that’s formulated for dry hair. If you can’t find one, choose something that’s very mild. You want a product that cleans your hair but doesn’t damage it by stripping away all your natural oils.

  1. Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an effective natural remedy for dry oil. The oil can help your hair recover from damage by filling in the gaps between hair fibers. 

Coconut oil also improves the appearance of your hair by smoothing each strand. By using warmed coconut oil on your hair once a week, you can revitalize it. Here’s how to condition your hair with coconut oil.

Use room temperature coconut oil and apply it to the crown of your head and ends of your hair. Saturate your hair’s with the oil by repeating the process. Leave the oil on for 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

If you want to try this method, make sure to use all-natural (preferably organic) coconut oil. You can also use oregano oil for hair as an alternative.

  1. Vitamin Supplements

The body requires vitamins and minerals to perform regular functions and maintain a state of health.

Certain vitamins and minerals are crucial for maintaining the health of your hair. Some of these include biotin, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

It helps to take a supplement that has been specially formulated for hair health. For example, you could try a product like SugarBearHair vitamins.

  1. Improve Your Nutrition

Other nutrients also help to stop your hair from thinning out or becoming damaged. This includes omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.

These important nutrients are not only good for your hair but will improve your overall health as well. Marine proteins rich in omega-3s can help make your hair shinier.

Oxidative stress is also an important contributor to dry, older-looking hair. To reduce oxidative stress, you should increase your intake of antioxidants. You can do this by eating more fruits and vegetables.

Foods that are especially high in antioxidants include blueberries, strawberries, walnuts, broccoli, and tomatoes.

  1. Try Essential Oils

If you’re looking for a simple home remedy for dry hair, try essential oils. Moroccan argan oil specifically may help keep your skin and hair moisturized.

This oil comes from the seeds of a tree that grows in North Africa. The indigenous people of the area have been using the oil for centuries both for cooking and cosmetic care.

Argan oil contains vitamin E and a variety of fatty acids that provide many health benefits to your body. Use a small amount of oil on the ends of your hair to give it a shinier and more finished look.

Other essential oils such as peppermint and lavender can stop hair loss and prevent strands from breaking.

  1. Be Careful of Heat

If you’re battling with dry hair, avoid steaming hot showers. Super hot water will cause the hair shaft to open and if your hair is already damaged, it won’t be able to close back up. This causes moisture to seep out.

Use warm water instead during your regular showers and rinse your hair under cold water at the end. Cold water can help revitalize your hair and give it a fresh, shiny look. 

Using heat styling techniques like curling and straightening can also cause your hair to dry out. In fact, blow drying has been shown to cause damage to your hair. If you need to blow dry, don’t put the dryer too close to your hair, keep it 6 inches away.

  1. Wrap Instead of Air Drying

Another trick for combating dry hair is to wrap it up after a shower instead of letting it air dry.

By letting your hair air dry after a shower, it may be losing too much moisture. By wrapping it up in a towel, you can prevent moisture loss. use a soft, microfiber towel for the best results.

Revitalize Your Dry Hair With These Simple Remedies

Living with dry hair is frustrating. It’s coarse, brittle, and difficult to style. Many people suffer from dry hair due to years of harsh shampoos and scalding hot showers.

The amount of sun exposure you get and even your diet can also contribute to dry hair. To fix dry and frizzy hair, you have to identify what’s causing it. Then you can begin the healing process by using natural remedies like essential oils, vitamin supplements, and coconut oil.

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