
Dia Vaswani: A New Reflection

Dia Vaswani

Dia Vaswani, an Image Consultant talks about how, ‘First impression is the last impression.’ How much time does it take to create a first impression? It’s not 1 minute or even half a minute. Surprisingly, it takes just 4 seconds to make a judgement about someone you meet for the first time, and within 30 seconds, that judgment is largely finalized mentally. We all have been on both the sides of this situation, be it passing the judgement or being judged for that matter. That’s why, it becomes crucial to work upon building a winning sense of personal style and impactful communication.

Standing true to this point, Dia Vaswani, looks forward to helping women with her skills and knowledge. Incorporating personal style, she believes in setting trends rather than following them. Do check out our website, Storiyaan, to rock your next meeting and know more about your personal style!

Dia Vaswani

Dia Vaswani: A New Reflection


Questions and answers

What made you choose image consultancy as your career option in the first place?

I have always been a traveller and observing people always fascinated me. It’s surprising the way one presents themselves, can speak so much about them without them having to speak a word. When I stumbled upon image consultancy as a career, where I would be able to guide people to present the best version of themselves, I was more than happy to help people attract more opportunities by simply being more presentable.


How has the demand for pre consultants changed now since the pre covid scenario?

The demand has only increased in Covid. During the pandemic, we were working from home, it also brought an awakening in people that they still need to look a certain way by presenting them even through their screen. I have started to conduct more sessions now because I started taking it online, so it was even better for me. But there is a big difference between before, and after.



How do you add your personal touch to the client's personal style and comfort?

The entire idea of image consulting is highly personal, and that’s precisely done on a basis, so, anything that doesn’t add to the persona of a client is eliminated. My personal touch with my client is to meet them where they are in their journey and to help them scale up their style from there instead of making them restart all over again. So, I recommend a holistic and realistic approach in terms of styling.


What are some of the age groups that must seek the help of an image consultant and why?

I would say all age groups need image consulting. But the age group of late teens which is around 19-20 would be an ideal age, because they will step into a corporate world or shift over completely different chapters in life, or shift for higher education so it would help them. Also, at any age, when a person feels stuck, when a person needs to rebuild themselves, would also be the perfect time to seek help.

Why do people need to undergo etiquette training? What is your message to those who find it a little needless?

I read this one from the internet, “When you die, you don’t realize that you’re dead.” The same thing happens when the people around you don’t have etiquette, they don’t realize they don’t have etiquette, but the people around them do. One doesn’t realize, but such gestures can make or break your journey. So, I think people must stop calling it needless and those who are dedicated to their work will definitely work on etiquette.

Having received your fair share of recognition in your field, is there anything you wish you had done differently when you look back?

Actually yes, I wish I had moved faster and without inhibition. I now realize, there are a lot of avenues in terms of empowering people out there. So, if I had started my online sessions earlier, I would have been able to touch more lives, but I believe I am doing my best.




How big of a role did soft skills play in your life and have you always had a knack for it?

In school life, I realised that good communication skills and body language are the things that can actually make you or break your across-the-board persona. So, it was imbibed in me to carry myself in a way where I leave a positive impact, wherever I go.

Can you share one tip with our readers that they can follow to appear more put together?

Don’t just go and pick something for the sake of a trend, know your personal style and become a trend-setter.




What is the most rewarding aspect of the job of an image consultant?

There were a few times when I felt happy looking at my clients. Once the sessions are over, I notice certain changes emerging in them and their aspirations. I conducted an etiquette session for children and it was such a heartwarming experience when I got messages from their parents saying that their child was trying to teach them all the learnings that they took from the session. My greatest reward would be me giving something invaluable as a life skill which is a gift for them that it will help them throughout their life. Also, some testimonials and positive feedback make my day.

What would be your message to those who regard image consultancy to be overly expensive and find it similar to hiring a stylist?

A stylist is like a chef who will serve you a well-plated, well-garnished meal, ready for you to consume. Whereas, image consulting is like going to a culinary school and learning how to present that well-garnished meal. If one wants to look and feel great in their day to day life by managing the wardrobe by what fits well on them and run the show, is when you hire an image consultant who will give you technical knowledge about styling which will help their entire life and not just one particular event.

Quick 5

1. One celebrity whose way of carrying themselves you admire? Kate Middleton.                                        

2. Your favourite style tip? Accessories could change the game.

3. One accessory college students can use for daily wear? A good pair of sunglasses or eyewear that compliments your face.                                                       

4. Your best read? The Magic by Rhonda Byrne                                         

5. A good way to blow off steam? Yoga and meditation.