
Dr. Shivani Khetan- A Quest for Self

Dr. Shivani Khetan
Dr. Shivani Khetan

Dr. Shivani Khetan- A Quest for Self

Dr. Shivani Khetan says, “Coming from a family of healers, the world of healers and spirituality excited me like no other, even though I never imagined I’d become an educator and a mental health therapist in Complementary Alternative Medicine. This innate thirst in me drove me to shift from the textile designing industry to a spiritual one. It was when my mother was diagnosed with first stage dementia that I was driven even harder on this path and as a result, Mudita clinic came into existence. It was a platform that was created to experience happiness and share joy with others. I wanted to convey to people that they need not change themselves in order to regain control over their life but to start their healing journey from the point they feel lost. They have more potential in them than they might realize.

I learned the art of tarot card reading for self-development, tai chi to help dementia patients and seniors to connect and release whatever is not serving them. Expressive Arts Therapy helps people to outgrow things that hinder their growth and touches their belief system. Further, I learned Clinical Hypnotherapy. The more I came in touch with my inner self, the more I started to love myself. The immense relief that spirituality gave my soul was a beautiful experience and I wanted to share it with others through Mudita. My mother serves as a constant source of motivation for me because as I see her healing every day and trying to get better, I find a new vigor in me to continue my spiritual quest.

I cannot claim that these 16 years have been a bed of roses. However, I try to remain optimistic and don’t let my fears overpower me. Some people are so rooted in their belief systems that they would rather turn a blind eye than accept something new. I strived to win their trust in order to help them accept eternal existential knowledge. It was this desire to use my knowledge to help others that led to my book – Tarot- A Healing Tool In Modern Times. It is my firm belief that if we know and understand ourselves, we can help ourselves without going to others. The journey is all about decluttering old thoughts, letting go of toxic relationships, accepting changes, and relishing your existence.”



To Know More about Dr. Shivani Khetan
and her experience as a healer checkout her 5 MinBit on our website itself:

Dr. Shivani Khetan- Heal With Zeal!
