


The idea of beauty has become so pervasive. We admire celebs and social media icons, many of whom have had cosmetic surgery. TV and magazines have also led to the surge in demand for botox, fillers, and facial makeoversAesthetic Lane provides Botox treatments that will help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Here comes the need for Cosmetic Surgeons who can advise you, on what operations can and cannot achieve. They also demonstrate that uneasiness about a physical characteristic is not always resolved by “fixing” the issue. Dr. Parag Telang is one such Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon who believes in ethical practice and is unsupportive of unscientific procedures.

Graduated from a prestigious medical college in Mumbai, with distinction, Dr. Telang is also a member of many National and International societies such as ISAPS, ASPS, IAAPS, and APSI. He had long wished to open his own cosmetic surgery facility, similar to those in Europe and the United States. Designer Bodyz, an advanced center for Cosmetic Surgery, was founded as a result. His clientele includes many celebrities from the Bollywood industry and also Television actors.

In this interview with Storiyaan, Dr. Telang shares with us his journey as a surgeon, tips for people wanting to opt for surgical procedures, and how one can learn to embrace their features-




Questions and answers

Talk to us about your journey of becoming a cosmetic surgeon?

It was not planned actually. After completing M.S in General Surgery, I got interested in Cosmetic Surgery, and having got a good rank in the M.Ch entrance exam, I went on to pursue Plastic Surgery training in Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College and Municipal General Hospital at Sion, Mumbai.

Do you ever turn patients away if you feel their expectations are unrealistic or further plastic surgery would not enhance their appearance?

Yes! I do it all the time! We sometimes have patients with unrealistic expectations and they tend to correlate their facial deficiencies with their failures in jobs, marriage, etc. These are patients with body dysmorphic disorder and need to be counseled and not operated upon.

Could you share with us the most critical case that you have handled so far and how did the success of the operation impacted you?

I operated on a patient of microtia (external ear absence since birth) who had 5-6 surgeries in Orissa and all had failed. So it was like the last chance that the patient had. We had to do a very complicated 6-hour surgery and restore her ear back to normal. This was one of the most challenging cases done so far.

Men and women today are confronted with a vast array of choices in terms of skincare. What are some of the ingredients that they must avoid in their products at all costs?

There are a lot of skin lightening creams available over the counter which contain steroids such as hydroquinone. They are extremely harmful to the skin and cause permanent damage to the skin which is very difficult to rectify. So please beware of such steroid creams.

Is there an artistic element in rejuvenating or enhancing a face? How important is the surgeon’s own perception of beauty?

100% You cannot create beautiful faces unless you have an artistic touch! I feel the difference between a good result and a great result lies in the surgeon’s artistry.

What are some of the most common mistakes that people who “Go under the knife” make after the surgery?

Lack of planning for the recovery! Every surgery needs proper time for rest and recuperation, especially for facial aesthetic procedures. Some patients rush into getting their procedures done and don’t keep enough time for post-recovery.

What should someone do when they start seeing negative side effects like itching and discomfort some days after getting fillers?

Allergic reactions to fillers are very rare. If someone starts getting side effects such as itching or redness, they must immediately get in touch with their doctor and start appropriate anti-allergic medications. However, this is an extremely rare complication.

Could you tell us about some of the most ridiculous demands that patients have made to you when trying to enhance their appearance?

I get plenty of ridiculous demands all the time! Once we had a lady asking for facelift surgery, saying it should not be noticeable to her husband! Or patients coming for nose jobs and saying their family should not make out that they have done something to their nose.

Could you tell us about your experience treating Bollywood actress Ms. Nalini Negi?

Ms. Nalini is a very talented and hard-working actress. She is a very good patient and follows all instructions to the T.

What breakthrough technologies/products in recent times in the field of cosmetic surgery are you most excited about?

Nano-fat grafting for facial rejuvenation is one of the most exciting technologies that we use now in our center. It gives a combination of volumization like doing fillers and at the same time rejuvenates the skin due to the presence of regenerative cells. The potential for nano-fat injections is truly immense!

Quick 5

1. Describe yourself in a word: Meticulous

2. The best past-time for you is: Reading

3. A word of caution for medical aspirants: Stay humble

4. A mentor you look up to: Dr. Francoise Firmin

5. Your proudest milestone: Merit List rank in SSC

6. A book you would want to recommend to our readers: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens