
Srishti Sengupta- Breaking the Mental Health Stigma

Srishti Sengupta

Mental illness is becoming more prevalent. With the number of people suffering from mental health difficulties steadily rising, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the impact mental illness has on our daily lives and society at large. Hence, the stigma attached to one’s mental health must be dispelled and normalizing it has become a necessity. Srishti Sengupta, a RECBT Counsellor, and Career Counsellor, who is believes in destigmatizing mental illness and addressing the myths associated with it.

For this, Srishti has founded an online women-run organization called “HR’O’HOUR” where professionals provide dedicated time to individuals suffering from mental health issues and bring positive changes. To educate individuals about psychological disorders and other related issues, workshops and internships are also planned. Confusion about one’s career is also dealt with, by providing career counseling. Well, Srishti and her team are determined to give mental health the attention it deserves and Storiyaan is all for it!

In this interview, Srishti shares her journey as a mental health advocate and debunks the stereotypes associated with it-

Shrishti Sengupta

Srishti Sengupta- Breaking the Mental Health Stigma


Questions and answers

How did you first become interested in psychology and get fascinated by the intricacies of the human mind?

Well, I would say my love for psychology dates back to 7th grade! Because I was raised by a single mother and was shielded by others, it all came naturally to me- I began to comprehend human nature and behavior at a young age. So, in order to pursue it as a career, I took up Psychology in class 11. That’s when my journey began.

Growing up, you must have had your own set of obstacles as you pursue your goal. Did you have any setbacks, challenges, or epiphanies along the way?

Initially, like most individuals, I yearned to become a Clinical Psychologist! But I’d always known I wasn’t cut out for the regular hospital environment. Also, people are hesitant to disclose their difficulties and concerns because mental health is not given the attention it deserves. So, if I truly want to make a difference and make others aware of the importance of mental health, I decided to take baby steps and went on to pursue Industrial Psychology.

Most people these days suffer from some psychological disorders but abstain from consulting a therapist. What would you say?

People are reluctant to visit therapists because of the culture and environment they have been brought up in. We can start by normalizing mental health, raising awareness about it, and beginning to value psychologists. Just like you go see a doctor for a physical injury or issue, you must visit a psychologist too if you feel your mental health is deteriorating and you face difficulty coping with your daily routine. It’s completely normal to go see one! I’ve also seen that parents don’t show their children enough love. Motivate them, and they’ll go above and above!

What are a few things that young entrepreneurs need to keep in mind before venturing into start-ups/businesses?

It might sound cliche, but “Love what you do” is something I stand by. Personally, I am fascinated by the commercial world, as well as public awareness and psychology, so I am in complete love with what I’m doing. Another thing one must keep in mind is that your competitors should not be your “Raste ka Kaata”! You should work hand in hand and simultaneously work on making your business better and different than what is already available in the market.

You have successfully made a path in your career as an entrepreneur and psychologist. What would be your message to the ones who are thriving to pursue something similar?

If I talk about becoming a Psychologist, there are many myths in our culture, people will sometimes question your job and refer to you with strange names, such as “Pagalo ka doctor”. But you should stand strong and continue pursuing your passion as people will always find something to say and pull you down. Also, always maintain good relations with others as you might not know what someone is going through. Be curious, try to question things around you, and learn as much as you can! This will help you go a long way.