

Aamit Mutreja

We’ve all experienced rejection at some point in our lives, whether it was personally or professionally. When it comes to Bollywood, we’ve heard an ample number of times that actors and actresses have a limited shelf life. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon and it requires a lot of courage, zeal, and passion to make your place in this field. “Do not compromise on your dreams. Never!”, says Aamit Mutreja, a model, actor, and singer.

His journey had a rough start, owing to the fact that he started out late due to family constraints. But, as they say, better late than never! Aamit made up his mind to pursue his dream of becoming an actor and got to work as a featured extra, an ad film, and is currently doing a web series. He also actively promotes Girl Child Welfare and Women’s Empowerment and urges everyone to be a part of it too! A kind act never goes waste, does it?

Aamit hopes of turning his passion into a well-flourished career and Storiyaan is sure, he will! Find Aamit Mutreja share his journey from a corporate professional to a singer-model, what setbacks he faced and still faces, in this conversation with Storiyaan

Aamit Mutreja



Questions and answers

What have been some roadblocks that you have had faced when you had started modeling and acting and how did you cope with them?

I think my first roadblock would be not pursuing my passion from the beginning. The second would be the age barrier because this field requires people to start early and I started at the age of 40, which made my acting roles limited. And third, would be my professional job was creating a time constraint. Whatever time I could get after my hectic work schedule, I devoted it to acting and modeling and tried to make it work!

Did you always want to become a model, actor, and singer?

Yes! I always wanted to become an actor, model, and singer.  After settling down in Dubai, I joined a production house to learn music for leisure. But they saw potential in me and asked me to take up classes for acting and modeling. I did a photoshoot, a short film, and 3 music videos. That’s how I started my journey as an actor and model.




What kept you motivated in your journey?

I guess self-motivation works wonders. Until and unless it comes from within you, you won’t be able to do it. What keeps me motivated is not giving up on my dreams and desires.







How were the initial days of your journey?

Well, they weren’t easy. Age does become a factor and you can’t deny it. People said I could not sing and I sang in front of large masses. Many said I could not be a model yet I was the show stopper in The Padma Fashion Show organized at Bollywood Park. Still, it is quite difficult for me to get roles as compared to someone in their early twenties, and I still face rejection. But I keep on giving my best.


Talk to us about a social cause that you are deeply attached to and would like to work on?

Women’s Empowerment has always been close to my heart. I am of the opinion that all men are empowered because of women! I have always seen women struggle more, be it in a domestic setting or a professional one, the lack of opportunities or men-biased opportunities needs to be looked upon. Having a daughter, I want her to enjoy and have all the facilities and options and no doors should be closed on her just because she is a female. I urge everyone to do their bit by volunteering in NGOs and raising awareness about the same!


What is a message that you would like to pass on to our young readers?

Do not compromise on your dreams, be it personal or professional. Chase them! Do not give up, there will be some stages where you must compromise, like getting into a relationship or a job. However, compromising on your dreams at an early stage will just make you regret it later.





Talk to us about your work life and projects in the pipeline.

As my current standing, I lost my job 6 months back. But with God’s grace, I got to work as a featured extra in a Bollywood film. I am doing a web series as well, an ad film for Dubai Silicon oasis authority which will be out soon. I have participated in Mr. UAE International and won the subtitle of Mr. Shining Star. I have sung and danced as a stage performer in Bollywood Park and I am giving a lot of auditions and interviews currently so as to obtain a regular source of bread and butter along with pursuing my passion for acting, singing, and modeling!