


We’ve been taught the need for a well-balanced diet since we were in elementary school. But, realistically, how many of us stick to a healthy and disciplined routine? It may appear challenging, but with the right guidance, you will undoubtedly succeed! “Fads come and go, but good eating is irreplaceable,” says, Karishma Chawla, a Nutritionist, Lifestyle Educator, and one of India’s leading integrative gut microbiome and hormone experts.

Karishma’s practice is based on the principle of Bio-individuality, which means having a deep respect and understanding for each individual’s specific nutritional needs. Her areas of competence include the Ketogenic diet, Vegan diet, Intermittent fasting, and even nutritional correctional services for PCOD, obesity, blood pressure, skincare, and more! On a lighter note, the Lifestyle Coach is enthusiastic about learning about new advancements in the field of nutrition and sharing her knowledge through seminars and training sessions.

Dig deeper into the interesting conversation, where Karishma Chawla shares her views on healthy eating and provides hacks you can inculcate into your daily routine as a small step towards adopting a healthier lifestyle!




Questions and answers

1. Can you narrate the events that led to your decision to choose health coach as your profession and how you train yourself to pursue this profession?

Choosing to be a nutritionist and a health coach came in very naturally to me. I always knew that innately I tilted towards being a catalyst in helping people achieve a healthy lifestyle. I love how we have the ability to empower each other and that’s exactly why I dived in! Having said that I personally went through a good amount of my own health struggles, which I was able to overcome, with all the research and study I trained in. This helped me to be more compassionate towards my clients and help them in their healing journey.


2. What was the first clientele reaction you have achieved that has boosted your confidence and has been the turning point of your journey?

Well, I have had many such reactions, so not sure which one can I pinpoint! What makes me the happiest is when I am able to touch someone’s life like never before and they exhibit gratitude towards it. I think the best compliment for me is when a client says, “I feel awesome!”. This inspires me to work better and give my best!





3. Food can be both a medicine as well as a poison depending upon the situation. What are the strategies you use to create the care plan for your clients to overcome their health issues?

Correct food is medicine. As a nutritionist and functional medicine health coach, what I do is help people re-established their relationship with food. Food helps to determine the quality of your cells, tissues, blood, and organs and is a determinant of how you feel from within! The idea is to tap into the intrinsic factors of a client’s health goal to help create awareness and facilitate change. Educating them about how eating foods that align with your body leads to healing and indulging in ones that do not result in inflammation goes a long way in the healing process!


4. People trying to lose weight often think skipping a meal would help them in reducing extra body weight. Can you elaborate on how harmful it gets and affects someone’s health?

 Firstly, the emphasis must always be fat loss and not weight loss. We can’t have the weighing scale decide our healing process. Weight encompasses the weight of muscles, bones, and water! By skipping meals one actually lowers one BMR since the body gets into starvation mode which results in preservation of calories rather than energy expenditure. So you see how this works against your so-called weight loss goals. Having said that we also have Intermittent fasting diets that are quite effective, but I would emphasize the concept of bio-individuality here, not one diet fits all!

5. What are the most satisfying aspects of guiding and helping individuals towards a healthier life, and what are the significant changes the clients go through?

 As I said, getting the opportunity and having the ability to empower one’s life with nutrition and lifestyle therapy is satisfying! The changes clients usually see are better sleep, feeling more energized, no or low symptoms what they came in with, more focused, etc. So as a Functional medicine coach, I would emphasize the concept of the Circle of life! This encompasses food, joy, sleep, movement, finance, career, creativity, social connection, relationships, and spirituality. Here we look at changes, not just the weight but help with the healing process in all other aspects of life leading to a fulfilled life.

6. Eating healthy doesn’t remain a choice for people who spend most of their days outside. What would be your advice on nutrition to those people, and what are the ways to attain them?

 Education is the key! Once we change the clients’ relationship with food and build awareness around health, making healthy food choices becomes second nature! Help them read labels, choose better menu options, quick tips for always having fruits, nuts, or healthy snacks all work together to help eat more real!