


A woman in a long gown with heavy jewelry, a deck of cards and a crystal ball– all of these in a dimly lit spooky room, is what usually comes to our mind when someone mentions a Tarot card reader. In reality, it’s nothing of that sort! Like any other profession, tarot card reading too, requires the right skills, knowledge and experience. When all of this is combined, the simple looking deck of cards can guide you towards knowing yourself better and leading a better life. “One just needs to keep seeing and believing beyond the current circumstances” says Dr. Navpreet (Navsz) Sohal, a tarot card reader, master therapist in spiritual and a numerologist.

Some personal experiences led to the beginning of Navsz’s spiritual journey and thereafter, she decided to pursue a career in the same. With over 12 years of experience, Dr. Navpreet has conducted various workshops to educate others and helped many connect with their inner self and obtain the much needed changes.

Keep reading further to know about Dr. Navpreet’s journey as a healer and how self-healing can have a positive impact on one’s life.



Questions and answers

What sparked your interest to begin your profession as a tarot card reader and how were you motivated for this journey?

Being an Indian, a lot of practices that touch the metaphysical come with tradition, as does the curiosity and craving to explore the unknown. Then, there were many personal experiences and events in my life that charted the course for me to take up tarot reading professionally.

You are also an aroma therapist. Could you briefly elaborate on the process and how is it beneficial?

Since everything in nature has a certain inherent quality, tendency and essence, anyone who pays close attention can master how to make use of natural, organic materials for their well-being. Aromatherapy is one such means to use natural aromatic essential oils for uplifting mental and physical health. There are many other potential benefits such as improving your sleep cycle, relieving anxiety and stress and many more.

Often people lack awareness about the services and fear a high fee structure for these sessions. What is your take on this?

Well, as with any product or service, high or low price is a matter of context and perspective. One really needs to put in context that the service they’re going to receive has been learned and mastered with a huge investment- monetary and energy wise. Precious time and dedication have gone into developing the skills you’re aspiring to learn. Personally, I’ve arrived at my fee structure after deliberation and kept it reasonably affordable.

What is the reason that the memories of the past life are reincarnated in the next birth and what are the ways to eradicate those?

The very word memory says it all, “More Me is memory”. Memory is the result of two factors, the residual impression of an act and a strong identification with any event or person. Since everything in this Universe is a vibration of a certain frequency, it gets subtler but remains. The trick is to dilute the existing vibrations with a stronger, higher vibrations that are opposite in character. Letting go of the energy, releases the memory too because you’re no longer identifying with it.  There are other intricacies involved that must be explored and understood.

Could you elaborate on the process of how switch words and numerology helps in the process of manifestation and how is it connected spiritually?

Again, it all boils down to vibrational frequency. Numerology works because each alphabet has a numerical value derived by the ancient sages, and the number corresponds to a planet and its frequency. Once you realign the spellings, you’re modifying the frequency of the name or title for a harmonious and positive environment. Switch words are nothing but simpler forms of mantras that bring changes with repetition.

Elucidate us through the ways one can reach you for tarot card reading and seek your advice?

I can be reached through my phone number, Instagram, Facebook messenger or simply an e-mail! I would love to extend a helping hand to individuals who need it.

What were some of the major roadblocks you faced when you started as a tarot card reader in your initial days?

Generally, there’s some apprehension amongst one’s own family and close circle of friends when you venture into these sciences as a profession. Instead of trying to convince people, I did my initial readings for them and the results did the convincing for me. I believe, having good credentials from reputed coaches is very important.

What would be your suggestions to develop positive approaches and outlooks in life and what are those?

There’s no such thing as a positive approach. Keeping oneself in high vibrations’ surroundings and having healthy eating and lifestyle is a stable enough foundation to tackle other outside challenges. Clarity of vision, well-defined objectives, and goals leads to growth.

Quick 5

1. The person you look up to the mostI look up to anyone who loves life and has the courage to make the most of it irrespective of the roadblocks.

2. Tarot reading to you isTarot card reading to me is an art, a science, a tool to be of service, and a lot of fun.

3. Spirituality to you isLiberating

4. The best book you have readThe Holy Bhagwad Gita is one I can read anytime.

5. Your proudest milestoneEvery smile that comes out of my service to anyone who seeks my help is a milestone.