
Varsha Singh – Be Divinely Guided Towards Your Happiness & Abundance!!

Varsha Singh

How often have you thought to yourself, “Oh! If only I knew what lies next for me, what can I do to solve my problem!” or “Am I on the right track?” Here’s Varsha Singh, the clairvoyant, the psychic tarot reader who could see energies since her childhood. She undoubtedly can help you know truths about your life, so wait for her to connect, shuffle & lay out her cards on your name.

Unwilling to endlessly follow the rat-race of 9-5 jobs, Varsha chose to find out her actual path and her true self. Even after forgetting her childhood psychic gifts of being able to look into people’s lives, she was informally a light-house to many. Soon an awakening, a mysterious guidance in dream, laid out her path towards being a spiritual healer and life energy consultant. She not only guides people to success and happiness through her Tarot and Oracle cards, but she also shows them truth behind their karmic destiny. Alongside launching two unique divination cards – Symbol Augury Card & Futhark Card –  she is well-known as Lenormand Card Reader too.

Varsha was interviewed by Storiyaan, and here is what she had to say about her mystical world of Cards & Energy. Continue reading to learn more about her.

Varsha Singh

Varsha Singh - Be Divinely Guided Towards Your Happiness & Abundance!!


Questions and answers

1. What sparked your interest to begin your profession as a spiritual healer & energy reader and how were you motivated for this journey?

I had no idea about what spiritualism is. Since childhood, I have had visions of energy so much so that whenever I would hear a name or someone’s voice, I would get a message or guidance about what that person might be going through. When I left my well-established job to find myself, I was mocked. For 3 years I based myself on deep soul-level, no-mindedness meditation & was  introspecting about my purpose of birth & this life. Meanwhile, someone casually, one day, asked me if I believed in Tarot and other similar divination methods, and I was blank but this triggered something in me. I went ahead to research about it. This is how the adventure began!

2. Since you were born with clairvoyance when was the first time you realized it?

 I was in class 7th when I first saw energy flowing around me and started receiving messages and guidance in my dreams. I could see my exam papers in my dream one night before the exam which throughout has helped me perform well in my academics. It was since the 7th std., that I knew, there is something different about me which may be a karmic reward from the past lifetime. While working in finance & education industries for almost a decade, I continuously practised the concept of value creation. I had a bad phase w.r.t. my health for almost 3 years in between which gave me enough time to probe about my life purpose. I kept working to improve myself each day, no matter what the situation. That’s how all this started. It is said what you seek, is seeking you.

3. In regards to self-healing, could you elaborate on the psychic tarot reading and others such sessions you take, and what can one expect from them?

 Well, before every session, I perform a 15 minutes of meditation to connect with the energy of the client. Then this on-call  session begins with the reading of subconscious blockages, limiting beliefs, strength of soul and remedies, if any.

My answers to my clients are more than a simple yes or no. During my readings, based on their energies, I give them personalized remedies. I integrate various divination tools like, dices, colours, numbers, charms, tarot cards, unicorn cards, Symbol Augury card and Futhark card into my reading sessions.




4. What was one of the roadblocks that brought you immense difficulty in your life and how did you emerge successfully?

Initially, I had problems with health,  communication, language, absence of a  guide and of course promotional activities. However, my commitment made me work on myself and get over the problems, gradually. Secondly, following a spiritual path, and having a business in this field, give others an opportunity to say something about it. But, I don’t let other’s opinion about me, affect me and I believe that, perspectives can be different and that adds to our uniqueness. The way I see things, may not be the same as how others see them. And I understand, everyone’s soul journey is different. I have this unquenchable lust for silence and that’s where I receive all my answers & wisdom. So, surrendering to the infinite intelligence of the universe, does wonders always.

5. Even with the altruistic nature of your work, you must have had your fair share of dealing with skeptics. What is your most effective strategy for handling skeptics and non-believers?

Well, firstly, I do not expect anything from anyone and I understand, trust issue is common in almost all fields of work. There have been instances when people wanted free or discounted readings & healings to judge my skills, which I prefer not entertaining at all. In my opinion, working for such customers is like, me, telling the Universe that I’m okay with people disrespecting me, my time and my work. Spiritual services are based on faith & this world is full of non-believers and doubters. Moreover, as my daily prayer, I pray to be a medium to conduct divine’s guidance to 3 million lives before the year 2030. Thus, I am more into how I, feel about myself from within and so, I try to improve every day.


So, that’s Varsha Singh and her Karmic life. If you are going through a hard phase in your life and wish to get some guidance, get your reading done by Varsha Singh. To get in touch with her, click on the Instagram link to the feature below.
