
Aman Talwar- Weaving Emotions

Aman Talwar- Weaving Emotions

Poems on a blank sheet are raw emotions weaved together and nothing more. Aman Talwar, the author of Weaving Emotions brings words to life with poetry. She doesn’t know how to limit herself, thus she’s a poet, an author, and a bold young woman, brave enough to follow her heart’s call.

Though being a corporate professional, Aman’s heart lurched to soar high into the sky of creativity and thus into the boundless realm of poetry. Every flight of imagination has an inspiration and Aman’s inspiration is her mother who is not only her mentor but also her strength. Her Army background acted as an added feather to display the array of her poetic skills and her deep insight into humanity, manifesting itself into a poetic bouquet.

With Storiyaan, she shares the ebb and flow of her journey of abandoning a corporate job to chase her heart’s desire.

Aman Talwar

Aman Talwar- Weaving Emotions


Questions and answers

Enumerate the events that led to your decision of changing your route from corporate life to a creative one.

I was a corporate professional and writing was always a source of recreation for me. However, when I gradually began investing more of my time towards my passion, I realized that turning it into a full-time career would infuse in me a sense of happiness and fulfillment which would motivate me to further sharpen my skills and instill a sense of creative satisfaction.

While working on the book, can you tell us the challenges that you had to encounter as a writer?

Since I have always been inclined to write poetry, I never saw anything coming my way in this process as an obstacle. As they say when your passion turns into your profession, one is willing to go an extra mile to prove their mettle.

You mentioned that your mother has been your greatest inspiration. Can you share with us the influence she has had in the completion of the book?

It’s my mother’s outlook on life that has given me a better understanding of the bigger picture when it comes to gauging the significance of bonding in today’s fast-paced world.


You mentioned that your army background contributed to your poetic skills and your deep insight into humanity. Can you elaborate on that a bit?

Being an Army Officer’s daughter, I got an opportunity to come across people from different cultures, which helped me widen my horizon and comprehend the significance of relationships in a better manner. One begins to gauge that building relationships will always enable us to smoothly sail in the voyage of life.


What turned out to be the most difficult part of getting your book published?

Penning down one’s thoughts on blank pages to make a book is similar to laying the foundation block. As important it is to have a strong base, being able to build on it with dedication & perseverance is equally important. While undertaking this journey of transforming my expressions into a tangible form, I didn’t focus on the roadblocks but channelised my energy to focus on the nuances and putting in my best efforts.

Do you have any contemporary poets that you thoroughly admire and what appeals to you about them?

As I said that my biggest inspiration is my mother. It’s her fine linguistic skills & the love for writing poetry that further helped me in discovering & shaping my writing prowess. I also am an ardent follower of Jane Austen’s work. Her stories have the power of transporting the readers into a completely different world, where one begins to identify with the characters and understand their perspectives.

To know more about Aman Talwar, visit her website and reach out through her social media accounts linked below.