
Serving the Country and then, Fashion


Serving the Country and then, Fashion.

My education has been all over India as my Father was in the Army. But the last four years of schooling were in DPS Ghaziabad, where my grandparents used to stay. After school, I went to the National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla, Pune, and then Indian Military Academy Dehradun and was commissioned in the Indian Army in June 1995. I am a B.Tech (Mechanical) and later specialized in the maintenance of Helicopters. I have served in Army for 21 years and took premature retirement in May 2016 . 

In the Army, I was a very straight forward officer. I never thought that I will ever get into this field of modeling and acting. After my retirement in May 2016, I thought of growing my beard as I was always a clean-shaven guy. Somebody at the airport approached me with a small role in his movie. With my current look in beard, the project eventually did not happen, but it just opened my mind to explore this field, which I had no clue about. And then, I got my portfolio done, and things started rolling.

At this age, yes, it is difficult to break the ice, moreover my Army lifestyle also, but I took the plunge to seek what I have got in me. I was new to this field and did not know how to go about, how much are the remunerations, how do I get more work. But I just kept crawling every single day and learned about this field. It’s been tough, but I have enjoyed every single moment.

I don’t look for some role models to get inspired. My parents have given me high values and have taught me to keep moving. I get inspired by myself by seeing how far I have come every single day.

Getting six-packs at my age is difficult but not impossible. It is all in mind. Whatever your goal is, you have to be honest about it, dedicated, hardworking, perseverance, and disciplined. There is nothing that you can achieve. The biggest barrier is YOU only.

My day starts with my exercises. I work out 5-6 days a week with cardio, strengthening, HIIT, and some weight training. I follow a diet plan to keep healthy. I don’t skip meals and always keep myself hydrated.

Well, I also groom aspirant models, so when I am not on any shoot I conduct the class for them. 

Indian Fashion Industry is on a very high platform globally, but we have to scale a considerable difference. We have loads of talent in our country, but they do not get proper guidance to progress and move ahead. We need to help others grow, which will eventually help all of us to be at a different level globally. I have seen so many people like this during my interactions, who have talent but are not able to move ahead just because they are not aware of how things work. This prompted me to start my Grooming classes for young aspirants

Every individual is different, so I don’t compare myself with anyone. I am very clear of myself that I need to achieve the goals which I have set for myself.

Nothing is impossible in this world, and the only limitation is YOU. Age is just a number, so do what you love at whatever stage of life you are because the day you stop challenging yourself, you are DEAD.