
Neha Saraf- Soulful Healing

Neha Saraf- Soulight Healing

Neha Saraf, the essence of Soulight Healing, explains how healing isn’t about avoiding the storm; it’s about how you ride it. She provides a place for you to be yourself without thinking about anything- Soulight Healing– to all your unspoken ideas and complications.

Besides being a Spiritual Ascension Facilitator at Soulight Healing, Neha is a Bcom graduate and holds a diploma in fashion designing. Her own sufferings led her to create a platform for people to open up and not only get healed. The certified Pranic Healer also finds a home in books, mountains, and songs. 

In her interview with Storiyaan, Neha talks about the different methods of healing she uses. To know more about her spiritual journey, keep reading

Neha Saraf- Soulight Healing

Neha Saraf- Soulight Healing


Questions and answers

Coming from a background in fashion designing, how did you find your calling in the world of spiritual healing?

My own traumas and sorrows drove me to seek spiritual guidance, which helped me overcome severe anxiety and depression. I eventually learned a variety of modalities and began interacting with people to help them address their problems.

How did you first come up with the idea to establish Soulight Healing and what was the most significant motive behind it?

A friend of mine motivated me to create this platform. The name Solelight came to me when I realised that the light of the soul, which has been darkened by society’s conditioning and fear can only shine brightly once it has been discovered.

When you initially embarked upon this journey, what were the major challenges that came your way and how did you overcome them?

The biggest obstacles came from within myself, not from outside. Many of my clients were going through similar issues that I was suffering. During this process, I realised that whatever I cure in myself will automatically reflect in them.

You mentioned that Soulight Healing is “a place where you not only get heard, supported, grounded but directed towards a new direction”. Could you elaborate a bit on that?

Healing is never a one-sided process. When a person reaches out to us, they are given the opportunity to express themselves completely and fully. Present issues have their roots somewhere in the past and understanding that is what our ultimate goal is. Once trust is established, they feel grounded and eventually follow all guidance sincerely for their own progress.

How do you deal with clients who suffer from severe anxiety and have trouble opening up about their problems at Soulight therapy?

Severe anxiety comes from deep-rooted fear and happens when we get deviated from the present and start fearing things that haven’t taken place in reality. I use Consultation and Bach flowers remedies with guided meditation which helps them to connect with themselves in the present moment. I also provide essential oil blends for the root causes. Aromatherapy, Bach flowers, and guided meditations all combine to help come out of severe anxiety and sleep disorders.

What are some of the mindfulness techniques that students can emulate, as the exam seasons seem to be coming up and can be a cause of major stress and anxiety for many?

Breathing exercises work best to calm down anxiety. Gazing Candle flame and writing skills are some of the other techniques I use. I often recommend Bach flowers to my female clients, as they work in a span of half an hour. EFT that is Emotional Freedom Techniques works very well on children. I have used those techniques on people going through severe childhood trauma and anxiety disorder.

How does Bach Flower therapy work and who are the people this form of therapy is most suitable for?

Bach flower remedies work on emotional, mental, and spiritual levels and those changes ultimately reflect on our physical level. It is based on the law of attraction. The things which we want to change outside, we try to fix within and attract the same. 

Bach flowers are suitable for every kind of issue and can take by people of any age.

You must have had to encounter people from different walks of life during your professional timeline. What are some of the common misconceptions about your work that people have when they come to you?

Many individuals do not believe in healing, and some believe it should be done for free. Others are afraid of energy because they are unaware of it. However, it is encouraging that people are growing spiritually and becoming more conscious of thought patterns, making this task easier.

What turned out to be the most satisfying aspect of working as a Spiritual Ascension Facilitator?

The most beautiful part of my experience is that I grow through my profession. My clients move from the situation where they were stuck to another step in their life with maturity and awareness. They gain spiritual wisdom and understand the basic truth that life is a journey and we are souls enjoying the human experience.

There must be days when even the healer needs time to heal and replenish herself. What do you do during those times?

Yes, there are days I feel burnt out. I plan a trip to the mountains and take my work with myself. The healing done in midst of the Himalayas bring immense energy to me. 

What would be your message to those who have tried holistic healing before and failed to find satisfactory results?

The only message is to have Faith. Healing will take place once we shift our doubtful thoughts to thoughts full of faith.

Quick 5

1. One book that motivates you like no otherYou can heal your life by Louise hay

2. One bad habit you wish you could change in your daily routineLaziness

3. One word that defines fashion for you Comfortable wear

4. Your happy placeMy home and where ever I am in the present moment.

5. One food item that can lighten your mood anytimeRasna

If you are going through any difficult situation, Neha is the person you’re looking for. Connect with her through her Instagram linked below.