
Priya Jain’s Islie

Priya Jain's Islie

The small-town girl from Rajasthan who used to sit by her mother and watch her

stitch fabrics has spread her creative wings and is now running her own fashion brand-Islie. Priya Jain, the soul of Islie weaves together beauty and joy to produce fashion that is elegant and unique in its very fabric.  

Islie formulated its roots in a kid’s room, then in a 3bhk flat, and finally came in front of the whole world in September 2017. Mrs. Priya Jain is an amazing icon, from making her turpai girl the head of the manufacturing department to believing in each young face and providing a space for them to explore and grow. “Islie by Priya Jain” grew with Priya and stands proudly with her in today’s fashion world.

In her interview with Storiyaan, she shares much more about Islie’s journey from coming out of the kid’s room to taking place in people’s hearts.

Priya Jain's Islie

Priya Jain’s Islie


Questions and answers

Can you tell us the story that enabled you to realize and give wings to your creative flair as a fashion designer?

 Since childhood, I was fascinated with fashion, so I decided to pursue professional studies in it. Soon after, when I turned my ideology into reality, I discovered a new side of myself and became a fashion designer.

How were the experiences of your initial days when you dipped your feet into the world of fashion, fabrics, and designs?

When I started my career in this field the journey was a lifetime memory to me, especially the beginning of it. What I have experienced is that your creativity always allows you to stand out from the crowd and express artistic imagination in front of the world.

What are some of the instrumental changes you want to bring to the world of fashion?

As fashion is moving forward at a fast pace, there’s a declination of the core hard work that existed during our grandmother’s time, in garments of that era. I wish to bring it back so that one could find that core intricacy in our designs too.

Tell us the foundation of Islie and what it promises to its customers?

6 years back in 2017 Islie started from a kid’s bedroom. Afterward, we launched our own flagship store. We always look forward to meeting the demands of our clients which is why we strategize how an iconic inspiration/ design can be transformed to bring a whole new and fresh perspective of fashion with each new line.

How do you deal with large orders within a short time -span when the orders are urgent?

Our team works day and night when we have large numbers of orders especially our tailors, master Ji and karigars stay away from their houses just to meet the expectations of our clients and to make timely   delieries. This is how Islie designs came out, with the hard work and dedication of Islie family.

Being the founder of Islie , What do you think makes your brand stand out among the rest and eye-catching?

What makes us different from others is our mixing of a variety of handwork all together in unique contemporary patterns.

Where do you find inspiration for new collections and how does it help you fuel your creativity?

I let my inspiration guide my creativity. Being a dreamer, I find inspiration in anything and everything from nature’s elements.

Since you are a working mother, how do manage to juggle the two responsibilities without failing in either role?

As a working parent, I make sure that my children and my work are constantly in sync in my dual roles as a mother and an entrepreneur. I aim to perform my best in both roles. So, each new day I want to be the better version of myself.

Elucidate the ways our readers can reach you to learn about designs and fabric or to try some unique designs.

If some young designers want to join us for their better learning in the field and gather the knowledge related to it then they can bring their portfolios. They can join team Islie through our internship program for the same.

What would be your message to the ones who are just setting their feet as fashion entrepreneurs?

For young designers and entrepreneurs, I want to say be happy, stay happy and be proud of what you are doing. Have a good  intention, and look at whatever you do as the beginning of something that you are going to do well. Give your best shot and the rest just follows.

Quick 5

1. Your Favorite designerAnita Dongre

2. Any particular fashion trend that you despise?
No, I love all of them because they belong to a different era.

3. The person whom you look up to the most?  
All the self-independent women of the society

4. One fabric that is worst for the environment?
– Both acetate and triacetate products

5. Your proudest moment?
When I marked the presence of Islie as a brand was the proudest moment for me.

Know more about Priya Jain and her success story through her Instagram account linked below.