
Dishita: A journey from being a Self Criticizer to Self Cheerleader!


As a Child, I suffered with very low self confidence, poor self worth and let’s say, I was my very own biggest criticizer. I grew up hiding from compliments, attention and any sort of recognition because when you don’t like yourself, you subconsciously start thinking you are no good and don’t deserve any of it hence others pick that energy and reflect it back to you. My Self Unacceptance led to a point where I hesitant to express myself to anyone, made very few friends, never participated in anything out of my comfort zone and remained to be a people pleaser for the longest time. I remained average in all facets of my life, unknowingly kept becoming the victim of my own poor self image & self criticizing nature.

As time passed, I tried hard to overcome all these emotions and experiences. In 2015, one of my colleagues introduced me to the power of imagination, gratitude and goal setting through visualization & various other personal growth tools. Initially, it didn’t make any sense to me but I was intrigued to know more about it. Thus, I started practicing it, and surprisingly I received an offer from my dream job. I was in seventh heaven and absolutely amazed to know what my mind could build. After that, I decided to get into this field, and in 2018, I started coaching with personal development guru, Bob Proctor. It was the best gift that I could give to myself. While living in four different parts of the world, I got the privilege to be mentored by legends like Bob Proctor, Marisa Peers, and Jose Silva. I ultimately decided to leave the finance industry after serving for 7 years to help people heal and seek happiness in the most insignificant things. However, my family didn’t endorse this idea. They thought I was crazy to give up a successful corporate career. But, I was determined to help others transform like I did. I realized, I had to be in my team and cheer for me. So from being a self criticizer I became a positive self cheerleader. Once that happened amazing things started flowing into my life. I am now a very confident, happier & professionally thriving individual. I am a Youth Mindset Coach, Inner child healer, Hypnotherapist & a Published Author.

So far I have impacted thousands of lives across 23 different countries and published 3 books altogether. The people that made fun of me were the same that later choose to compliment me as the Miss India Canada finalist in 2016 & showered me with love & affection as a Published Author. After coming this far, I’m glad that I chose to stay, put through it all. I have also taken a pledge to impact 1 million lives and I’m sure one day I will reach there because life never wrenches the one who toils for their dreams! Be your own cheerleader because that’s all really matters.

If you wish to know more about Dishita and how the power of visualization changed her life, connect with her on the Instagram linked to the feature story below. Dishita can help you transform yourself through her personally crafted tools and methods. She specializes with Inner child healing, overcoming fears, phobias, addictions, building a strong & successful self image and helping you be the most thriving and happiest version of yourself.