
A conversation with Astrologer Divya Chadha d/o Pt. Rajinder Bittu


Do you sometimes feel like that everything is connected? Our lives as humans are being influenced by something beyond our reach, something intangible? Divya, an astrologer is here to reaffirm your belief.

Divya, a strong believer in astrology and a practising astrologer herself is determined to help people with her learnings and science. Picking up this skill from her father, Divya uses astrology as a guiding and protective force to shield people from everything unfavourable without.

Catch Divya in an intriguing conversation with Storiyaan over astrology, stars, destiny and its role in one’s life


A conversation with Astrologer Divya Chadha d/o Pt. Rajinder Bittu


Questions and answers

What sparked your interest to work as an astrologer?

Astrology was something that was practised in our family for generations. It became a family legacy. As a teenager, I saw my father work as a successful astrologer and this stimulated some genuine interest in me. I wanted to be like him and that couldn’t be achieved without learning about astrology.

Would you tell us about your journey from the initial days when you first stepped in this profession ?

For one to learn astrology and then successfully practise it, it takes a good amount of time. Initially it is very difficult to make people believe, to make even oneself believe in your learnings. It comes with time and belief. Believing in yourself is very important. I was able to make that journey because of that ‘belief’. Today I’m at a very comfortable position where people believe and have faith in what I say. Their belief has landed me where I am today.

How astrology helps us to gauge our future and what are its advantages?

Astrology is a science, if you see. It doesn’t tell us the future outwardly, but warns us about the future limitations. That is the most important role it plays and the advantage it gives us over destiny. If destiny plays its part without us being at all aware, we might not be able to cope up. Thus, we can call astrology our protective force.

Share with us a client’s review that has deep impact on you in your professional life.

There was this lady trying to conceive from past 15 years. She lives abroad. She visited me recently asking for some help. I gave her some solutions based on my learning. Lately, I received a call from her telling me that she was expecting. The happiness and excitement in her voice, after all those long years had really had a deep impact on me and strengthened my belief in my art.

What are the are some life questions you think people must know the answers of by seeking the help of astrology?

I think every individual would assess such questions differently. What is important to me, may not be very important to you. But yes, there are such questions in everyone’s life that haunt them or trigger them with curiosity. If knowing a little about the answers to these questions, would comfort them or quench their thirst, they should seek the help of astrology.

What are some of the major changes you want to bring in this industry and why?

I’m very much against people who swindle people out of money in the name of astrology. That is one reason people find it hard to believe because you see there are a lot of charlatans in this profession ready to defraud and befool people. I would want them to leave this profession permanently so that people and their faith in us could flourish.