
Shraddha Kulkarni Ajmera-Extraordinary!

Shraddha Kulkarni

Shraddha Kulkarni Ajmera is an engineer, blogger, and reviewer of glam-products. She was one of the finalists for Mrs. India Savvy 2019. She is a known supporter of MakeInIndia products and sustainable living, along with being a fitness enthusiast.

With her philanthropic personality, she supports various causes and NGOs around the country. Team Storiyaan had a chat with Shraddha Kulkarni Ajmera, where she spoke about her influences, lifestyle, and process of reviewing a product.


Questions and answers

Can you start by telling us how you divulged into the glamour world having an engineering background?

Entering the world of glamour was never a part of my plan. I have always been known as the ‘Santoor Mom’ amongst my friends and colleagues, but honestly, my best friend from France enrolled my name in the competition and pushed me to rule the competition. I have always been an outgoing person, full of confidence and touch wood, with a significant height factor, too, so guess the magic just worked.

Talk to us about your process of reviewing a product, and how can people approach you for a review?

So first thing first, all of my collaborations are solely barter-based. I have no monetary objective behind any collaboration that I have done to date, and I will continue to believe the same for all the years to come. Regarding your first question, all the PR Package products that arrive at my doorstep are first personally used by me, and then a candid review is posted (this is made clear during the barter deal) on my profile. The brands are tagged and given credits for choosing me and sending across the products. The brands approach me through Instagram/Facebook DMs, Emails, and personal contacts.


How did you prepare and practice for the pageants you have entered?

Preparation came in the form of rehearsing the introduction, sharpening the ramp walk, and working on voice modulations. I am thankful to Anjana & Karl Mascarenhas from Diva Pageants for their guidance. A little credit belongs to my general awareness & knowledge, my ‘Hatke’ attitude, and ‘daringly different’ personality.




What made you indulge in lifestyle fitness? How do you muster the dedication to follow it religiously?

Yoga has been one of my fitness mantras ever since I was just 12 years old. When I was 16, I was a Yog Pravin. Yes, Yoga got a break from my life while pursuing Engineering, but I resumed weight training and self-weight exercises after. I believe fitness is essential to keep one physically fit and to enable us to stay calm mentally too. As a project manager in the profession that I work, we are often exposed to clients, making it extremely important for me to look presentable and circulate the aura of positivity with everyone that I meet. Of course, other work aspects mean equally, but yes, this drives my motivation.

The spirit of aiding the underprivileged came to you from your father. Talk to us about your journey of helping others.

My father has been one of the most influential people in my life. He is a man who would always help someone if he could. I had noticed him help the needy at all times when I was younger. It was by watching him that quality instilled in me. I am an empathetic person emotionally, and I continue his legacy of supporting NGOs like Robin Hood Academy. This NGO helps those people who do not have shelter over their heads by arranging food and places. There’s another NGO I volunteer at, and it’s called ‘I Respect Humanity.’ When I felt the absence of my mother in law, who recently passed away, I felt the need to do something more and so, with the help of a few willing local ladies, we made food packets for the needy & migrants and distributed them through Robin Hood army officials during the lockdown.

Why do you think it is important for people today to possess philanthropic ideologies?

By god’s grace, we have been blessed with many blissful things, and I believe that when we were in need, someone somewhere was praying for our good. So philanthropic ideologies are a way of giving back to our loved ones, our society, and Mother Nature.


You have always been a staunch supporter of Make in India products and brands. Do you feel the revolutionary change is on its way to uplifting the local Indian brands?

My content mostly includes mostly eco-friendly and only Indian brands. It was during the COVID19 outbreak that some of the local weavers in Nashik came to my attention. I wondered how badly the local businesses of India were being affected by today’s reality. Somewhere I feel I have a personal connection with each, and I can feel their sorrow even from a distance and an influencer, I find it my moral duty to uplift and promote these businesses. The revolutionary change is definitely on its way; I can see all my fellow bloggers and influencers gearing up promoting the #vocalforlocal, and I strongly support this initiative.


Why do you think sustainable living is the way to a healthier future? How do you think we can teach that in our daily life?

I feel that we should only take as much as one possesses to give. And we have gone far years ahead of that realization. However, it is always better to be late than never. Sustainable activities like ‘hold minimum-experience maximum,’ restraining carbon footprints, and using recyclable, reusable, and sustainable products can be taught.

What gravitated you towards participating in the Nashik Marathon 2019?

I have been participating in Nashik Marathon for years, only to put up a post this time. However, what better than having to meet friends, influential people, and social circles with the motive of fitness all at once. Nashik Marathon has always been an event of unity with a cause; hence, to salute and appreciate its spirit, I always stand by it and support it.

Talk to us about your experience in Mrs. Savvy 2019.

My experience at Mrs. Savvy 2019 has taught me to take home anything you receive with utmost grace. Secondly, flaunt your X-Factor! Thirdly, shine bright when it is your turn. Life pays back with the best of things if you know how to rule your decisions and be your best authentic self!


Finally, who has been the most significant influence of your life, and why?

Indra Nooyi. She is the biggest influence in my life. She holds the example of being rooted to your origin and yet manages to put all her efforts into achieving everything under the sky. She is a woman of substance, belonging from an orthodox family. What inspires the most about her is how she perfectly balances work and life, and for the way she carries herself with dignity and ease.

Quick 5

1.One word to describe beauty pageants- Compassion & Confidence

2.Three things you’d take on a deserted island- Water, Book, Camera

3.Western or Ethnic attire- Ethnic always

4.Three essential skincare products in your bag- Lip Balm, Sunscreen, and Face Wash

5.One word to describe sustainable living- Co-existence