
Vrishika Arora: All Unicorns and Rainbows

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Unicorns and Rainbows accessories is an e-commerce jewelry imitation brand owned by Vrishika Arora. She is an MBA graduate who works as a deputy manager. Her brand was born out of her desire to start something of her own.

U&R accessories in a brief span have grown exponentially, and Vrishika plans to expand her business even more in the coming years. To gain more insights on how the young entrepreneur developed her E-commerce portal for accessories, read her interview with Storiyaan.

Vrishika Arora: All Unicorns and Rainbows


Questions and answers

What was your biggest fear while starting your brand, and how did you deal with it?

I never feared starting Unicorns and Rainbows. The only thing on my mind was to grow this, and that’s precisely where I synergized all my energy. I didn’t give in to any fears that I knew would hold me back.

What is the story behind the name 'Unicorns and Rainbows Accessories,' and what is your brand's soul about?

I strongly believe that every little happy moment in life must be celebrated. It shouldn’t go amiss; that is what I’ve wanted Unicorns and Rainbows to be associated with- happiness, celebration, and affordable indulgence. This is what inspired me to come up with the brand’s name.

From bling to ocean-themed jewelry, how do you come up with various styles?

Every piece of Jewelry is unique from the other. For my customers to be able to relate to them and to choose what is meaningful to them, it is imperative to classify them under different styles.

Do you think your customers' feedback and reviews have helped you try new and different styles?

Yes, absolutely. Client feedback is vital for the success of any business. It helps understand the needs of your Target audience, the kind of jewelry designs they would like us to come up with. Understanding one’s TA and what they want is perhaps one of the most crucial components that determine the success of any business.


How do you want women to feel when they wear your jewelry? What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing jewelry designing?

I want U&R Accessories to evoke emotions that symbolize inner power. I want them to feel bold, confident, happy, and empowered. I would say to anyone who wants to pursue a career in jewelry-designing or is thinking of starting a business in it to take up a course without being hesitant or letting their fears take over. The one thing that I have learnt is the only thing to fear about fear is fear itself. Don’t let anybody stop you and take that leap of faith.

What are the challenges you face running an online business, and how do you tackle them?

There are quite a few challenges that I face. The biggest amongst them is gaining the trust of first-time users. Since we have no brick and mortar and are only construed to an e-commerce setup, some people are still terrified to purchase jewelry online. Still, I would only want people who are reading this to know that their satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us and that the best quality materials are used in the making of our jewelry pieces.

What positive changes did your role as a 'Sales Associate' bring into your life?

Working a 9-5 as a sales associate taught me several things: learning what your prospective buyer needs and then showcasing those benefits to them. It is a win-win, and it doubles up chances of getting that buyer onboard.

How does the growth in your business within months motivate you?

I genuinely feel ecstatic about the kind of growth I’ve seen in the past couple of months; it only motivates me to do better.

Tell us more about The Mindfulness Project.

The mindfulness project is a blog I’d started writing when the hell broke loose on us; COVID didn’t only steal our peace of mind but also left most people despondent. I am an avid reader and believe that books can not only add some perspective but also change our life for good. With every day’s hustle of a 9-5 job, I had almost given up the habit of reading, which I picked up during lockdown. I started writing about mindfulness and how it can help us get through these challenging times. I would recommend everyone to read up on this subject and inculcate a few things that’d bring about some positive changes in our lives, especially during tough times like these.

Several celebrities are featured on your social media handles with your brand's accessories. How do you strategize and market your products for a wider reach and expanding the business?

The only thing I do is run ads on our social media handles. I am grateful that all of the collaborations you’ve seen on the page are organic. Because people have loved our products, quite a few celebrity-stylists have approached us for the jewelry they want to source for various photoshoots. However, I would explore a few more ways to increase our reach.

Quick 5

1. Favorite Jewellery Designer-Bvlgari

2. One word to describe the entrepreneur in you-Ambitious

3. Your go-to accessory-A pair of chic earrings

4. What’s important to you-Fashion or Comfort-Both

5. Contemporary designs or ethnic ones-Contemporary