
Khushboo Hingarajia & her love for Mandalas

Khushboo Hingarajia

Khushboo Hingarajia is a media student and a Mandala artist. Her Instagram handle @she.draws08 features beautiful mandalas with meaningful messages all created by her. 

Team Storiyaan in a chat with Khushboo discovered the therapeutic benefits of this underrated form of art.

Read on to know what Khushboo has to say about herself and the art of creating Mandalas. 


Questions and answers

Khushboo you are just 19, and you have established yourself already. How does it feel to have @she.draws08, a page receives so much love from the audience?

I feel super grateful! My page has always been a motivation for me to create more and dream big. I am thankful to all the people who have believed in my work and those who follow my page. They are my source of motivation and inspiration. My heart blooms out of joy when people send me DMs, saying that my work inspires them. That’s when I realized it’s not just an art sharing page, but it’s where I connect to so many people through my art.

Mandala is a beautiful art form and is a concept that is known only to a few people. Can you give our readers a gist about what it's the significance and what does it mean to you?

Mandalas can be any form of art drawn in a circle. Usually, mandalas have repetitive designs and geometric patterns. Traditionally mandalas were used as a source of meditation and spiritual symbols. Now, modern mandalas are not just limited to circles, but people have been exploring this art form by drawing them in different shapes. She.draws features exceptional Mandalas all drawn by you.

@She.draws08 features exceptional Mandalas all drawn by you. From where do you derive the inspiration to light up the creativity inside you in the form of Mandalas?

My sources of inspiration are my followers, my parents and my dreams. I believe they inspire me a lot to dig out my inner creativity. Also, sometimes I get inspired when I see inspirational artworks by different artists on various social platforms.

A lot of budding artists often get confused with what kind of paintbrushes and palettes to use while painting. What is your material recommendation to youngsters who want to venture into this creative field?

You can simply draw a mandala with the help of a marker pen and a paper you get the hang of drawing the mandalas; you can further try to mix it with painting medium. A very beginner-friendly brand that I would suggest is Camlin which provides all the pocket-friendly materials for the beginners.

Since you are a media student, how do you manage to juggle between your passion and your college?

I practice art in my free time and when I return from college. I think it’s all about priorities. Making good art and getting good marks both are my priorities. Being a media student and an artist, I switch my role when I am at home. The moment I sit at my desk that is when my inner artist emerges out, and the creativity flows.


How long has she.draws08 been on Instagram, and how was the journey so far?

I started she.draws08 in March 2018, almost two years back. The journey has been full of ups and downs. There were days where my page wasn’t growing at all, but that never stopped me from creating. I believe the numbers on social media shouldn’t affect you and let you down in any way.

How long does it take you to make one mandala? Tell us in detail about the creative process behind the making of the same?

Generally, I make A5 size mandalas which take around 4-5 hours. But it also depends on the size of the artwork, the complexity of the design and the mediums used. The necessary process that I follow to create a mandala is that first, I make a grid with a pencil and a compass and then use pen over it to make the patterns. One can also first make the whole mandala with a pencil and then trace it with a pen to achieve perfect designs.

Did your family members and friends support you initially when you told that you wanted to do something like this?

Yes, they have supported me a lot. Initially, I pursued art just as a hobby and I used to create it for fun. But now it has become my passion, and I also aspire to make it as my profession. My parents are very supportive of this, and I am very grateful to them.

Youngsters often go through a lot of emotional upheavals, and you too must have been through hard times in your life. How do you, as a young adult, overcome them?

Two years back, when art wasn’t a part of my life, I used to be a pessimist and a huge over thinker. When I started practising mandalas, I initially wasn’t aware of its healing benefits. Later I saw some gradual changes in me. I realized that art helped me cope with my anxiety and negativity. I saw my inner self growing; that’s when I got to know that art is healing me. Even now, when I am not on good terms with myself, I practice art. It always helps me to deal with my mental distress.

Often at times, we start with something but aren't able to sustain if we don't succeed. What is the mantra that helps you keep going?

I believe one should never stop trying. One cannot achieve all the things in a single action. Some things take time, and you should have the patience and aspiration to achieve. One should never stop moving towards where they want to be. ‘Mistakes are proof that you are trying’ this is my mantra, and that’s what keeps me going.

Your bio says you are a self-made artist. Who was your inspiration when you started?

When I initially started drawing mandalas, I was not fully aware of this art form. I started following mandala artists on Instagram and saw how beautifully they created every piece of work, and that inspired me a lot. That is when I began practising this art form consistently, and there is no looking back.

uilding a base of 10k on Instagram is a difficult job, especially when it's an art page. How long did you take to develop your page and what are the major setbacks that you have come across?

It took quite a long time to develop this page, and that happened when I started exploring the medium of watercolours. When I started mixing this medium with mandalas and calligraphy (sometimes), I found my style and people started appreciating it. A significant setback as an artist is that when people want to buy our art, they are sometimes not aware of the hard work we put in. We put a lot of effort into creating every detail. Also, some people copy artworks and do not give the due credits to the artist, who is another setback that I have faced a lot of times.


What kind of collaborations have you done on your Instagram page, and what are your plans shortly?

I have collaborated with a stationery brand called Uniball and a handmade brand named Nukkad Tales. I am planning to be a stationery influencer and a full-time artist, and I am consistently working hard to achieve this aim.


You are exceptional in your field, is there anything that you want to suggest to people who want to step in as a mandala artist, and what are the perks of being one?

Practice as much as you can until you get the hang of creating perfect patterns. Do not rush yourself as this art form needs a lot of patience and dedication. Your experience will help you a lot in finding your style. An advantage of practising this art form is that you can elevate your patience level and tranquility. Your focus level will also increase when you are into this beautiful therapeutic art.