
Fitness, a Way of Life

Meha Jivan (3)

With the aim to help, inspire them to become the best version of themselves, Meha Jivan began her journey and established MOG Fitness. After an unfortunate incident, she began to study, and research fitness, nutrition and health; and the rest is history. Meha Jivan started by making meals and fitness plans for friends and family and soon grew her client base with passion and determination.

In an interesting conversation with Storiyaan, Meha Jivan shares her ideological beliefs about the importance of mental health and fitness. She also delves deeper into details of her journey as a professional and a mother. Meha Jivan’s words are sure to leave you with a fresh and authentic perspective on fitness, health and well-being.


Questions and answers

How did your inclination towards fitness help you with your healing process?

I have always been a healthy person, but I never understood the technicalities behind what I was doing. After my miscarriage, I was scared to work out again, but, I made an effort to learn the science behind exercise and nutrition. Knowing that exercises had not caused the miscarriage helped, so if I am blessed to get pregnant again, I know I will not be anxious and will use the knowledge I have gained.

What form of exercise do you endorse the most and why?

Each form of exercise varies for person to person. We are all different, and so are our bodies. If a person has an injury, there are many exercises that won’t work for them. But, they can be physically active on a daily basis. Even simple activities help a lot like walking, taking the stairs instead of taking escalators, etc.

What is the source of your daily motivation and how do you keep your clients motivated towards their fitness goal?

In all honesty, my clients keep me motivated. I speak to them regularly, and it makes me ecstatic when they send me messages telling me about the positive impact exercise has had on them. My other source of motivation is my little son. I work hard to show him that dedication and helping and inspiring others will take him a long way.

Most people go through intermittent phases of starvation to lose weight. What are your views on it?

I am a big believer of this diet, and I incorporate Ayurveda into it. I give my body space to rest, so my body can optimize metabolism and digest food to the fullest. I believe we all have ‘Agni’ in our body, and we should be able to give that ‘Agni’ a rest and stabilize it.

How do you come up with healthy versions of popular food so that one does not have to compromise fitness and taste?

I love food and am an absolute foodie. I believe in finding healthy variants of food I love, so I can indulge in the dish and keep my calories in check at the same time. We need to break the stereotype that healthy food is boring, which I aim to do.

How was the public reception of MOG Fitness when you first started?

It all started when I posted something on Instagram, and the messages and comments began to flow in. I was overwhelmed with the love, appreciation and blessings I began to receive. In 2 weeks, there was a spurt in the number of clients I began to train; it was a dream come true.

How did you initiate the idea of fusing Bollywood dance forms with fitness?

I spent my entire childhood dancing and love doing so even today. Now that I am well equipped with knowledge about fitness, I realize that dancing is a great form of cardio. I did a few experiments and decided to merge two of the things I am most passionate about; Bollywood and fitness, and I hope it works. I’m excited about releasing a whole bunch of Bollywood work out sessions in January.

You had posted about your struggles with postpartum hair loss and how you dealt with it. What are the other challenges that came with childbirth that you had to overcome?

I have always been fit and slim, and postpartum; I couldn’t fit into clothes and had stretch marks. Apart from physical changes, I also had to deal with hormonal and emotional changes; that is not overtly spoken about in society. I was also dealing with now being in charge of another person, and if the smallest thing happened to my son, it gravely impacted me. I overcame all these challenges with positive affirmations, a gratitude journal and a loving support system that I am so thankful for.