
Ashley Masih- One for the soul

Ashley Masih

One for the pockets and one for the soul

Ashley Masih says, “Having an entirely unconventional job was not a part of the plan, but I ended up doing something I never knew I would do. It might sound like a plot of a typical Hindi movie to you but let me tell you, following your passion and doing what you love even when the monetary gains are not that much, that is where the real fun lies!

Being a self-taught singer and singing in Church and School choir made me bend towards music. I decided to take up a musical instrument to experiment more on the kind of music I want to produce. Just as any other 90’s kid would do, I also decided to take up the dime a dozen – guitar. I remember borrowing a friend’s broken guitar at first, but as time flew, that broken guitar fixed my tones and led my life to where it is today.

It was all fun and games until school when reality hit me. I took a gap year in college and started focusing on my music, and that’s when I got my first student. Though I was still a student myself, I decided to teach other kids just so it could help me learn better. Little did I know that I would end up being a full-time teacher one day.

I also joined a capella group during college, and that’s where I envisioned my music to be. Going on stage and visiting studios has been the best feeling ever, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Just as much as I loved performing, I needed to fill my pockets as well and eventually started out as a music teacher at Furtados School of Music in Mumbai. Though my teaching career has taken a flight, and I can sustain myself as well as invest more in music, a part of me still wants to get back on stage and visit the studios.

A hilarious incident had happened when I had this one conversation with one of my student. I told him that teaching is not what I intend to do for my entire life, and he had ended up with a reply, “Aaplog sabkuch paiso ke liye hi karte ho.” And I had a belly laugh hearing what that toddler had just said.

It may seem settled to the world, but to me, “this is just the beginning of my musical endeavours”.

As much as I love to inculcate music in young children, performing at music concerts is what I yearn for, sometimes it amazes me how many filters my passion has. This may not be my destination, but I know for a fact that I will eventually get there. “Once I fill my pockets, I can fund it to fill my voids as well.”h