
Kalpana Bommena Chiluka-Against all odds!

Kalpana Bommena Chiluka

Kalpana Bommena Chiluka- Against all the worldly odds!

Dietitian thodi na doctor hai”; I’ve probably heard this statement more than anything else in life. Coming from an ‘orthodox family’ my parents and relatives weren’t very supportive of my career choices at the beginning.

When I told my parents that I wanted to become a dietitian and fitness coach on the professional front, they were taken aback. “Ye koi profession hai” was their first reaction.

Nevertheless, I loved myself way too much and never allowed their criticism to get into my head. For the open minded fierce woman that I am, being born into a narrow minded family was a complete mismatch. Despite all the odds I continued my studies to achieve my aspirations.

I had 3 ground rules in life that no matter what my education, my career and my partner would completely be of my choice. I stuck to my core and overcame all the barriers in the way.

 Getting a KT in one semester made me doubt myself and re analyze my career choices. I constantly had a thought of “Am I on the right path?”.

Despite all the grief, I rose to glory; I worked hard day and night and eventually cleared all my backlogs and got my first job. While I was finally guilt free, yet again my parents weren’t very comfortable with me working in a “gym scenario”.

They’ve had a hard time accepting my choices, but thanks to the lockdown which has been a boon to me. For the first time my parents got a closer look at my profession, they understood how things worked on my end and how my profession impacts other people’s lives. They were proud realising the fact that people recognised me due to my profession.

All my life, I’ve shared a rough patch with my family due to my career choices, but finally things have started falling into place. I also met my now husband during the lockdown and married him right away. He has been the best leap of faith I’ve ever taken. Unlike the last time, my parents now have complete faith in my choices.

It’s been 5 years and I’m the boss lady at @Nutrigyanbykalpana I am handling clients all over the globe and helping people to achieve their fitness goals through nutrition.

@Nutrigyanbykalpana is my baby, and it’s my dream to make it reach a platform where everyone can understand the importance of Nutrition.

Now that I look back it makes me extremely proud to see that I’ve fulfilled the 3 promises I made to myself as a teenager, none of which would have been possible if “I wouldn’t have believed in myself when nobody else did”.