
Nandhini Priya-Not the end unless it’s a happy ending

Nandhini Priya
Nandhini Priya

Nandhini Priya-Not the end unless it's a happy ending

‘Continuous failure in adult life can take a toll on you.’ Growing up in a service class family, becoming an IAS officer and serving our country has been my lifelong dream. I was so driven towards my passion that I gave in my all trying to clear my civil service entrance.

Despite all the hard work I put in, I wasn’t able to clear the entrance. I’ve appeared 9 times for the entrance, before I called it a quit. I realised during my 5th attempt itself that IAS wasn’t my cup of tea. But due to family pressure I took the plunge 4 more times.

Everything around me changed during those years, I even got married during that phase. From a daughter to wife; the baggage of failure didn’t leave me. Coming back to everyone’s derogatory remarks, vanquished my confidence. ‘Failure had almost become my way of life’

And that’s when I decided to take a detour. Despite all the failures, the fire in me to make it big in life never died; and I decided to start my own company. I was always into the ‘herbal and ayurvedic’ life and decided to promote this lifestyle by launching my own natural skincare line.

Looking at my past records not a lot of people around me were on board at first. Even my family and husband were taken aback with my career shift. Maybe it was their lack of support that ignited the fire in me to work against all odds. I couldn’t afford to fail this time.

While things have turned out in my favour and life is going well, it would be unfair if I didn’t appreciate my ‘failure years’. Everything I am as an entrepreneur – from management to production and strategizing; I owe it all to those 9 attempts, ‘Life is a boon or a lesson, but never a bane’

I may have taken a little longer than others to find my calling, but it is that delay in arrival that taught me to perceive. While I may have changed my route, my destination still remains the same. I still aspire to contribute to our country and am doing my share by funding a part of my company’s profits to an orphanage that has children from criminal backgrounds. Derogatory remarks for these children is something that needs to stop and if I could contribute a little in providing them with a better life, I believe my purpose would be served.