
5 Min Bit With Vrinda Singh

Vrinda Singh

Vrinda singh-

The Epitome of Finesse, a visionary, dynamic, and versatile personality but most importantly the perfect amalgamation of modern-day beliefs rooted in rich culture. Vrinda Singh is not just the author of two prime-selling books “MURKY GIRL” and “5 MINUTES”, but also an extraordinary poetess whose words would take you to an unheard realm of literature. With her creative imagination and confident persona, this eminent public speaker has conquered everything she envisaged.

Being an acclaimed literary figure, a member of the advisory board of a reputed Govt. University, a CEO of the company Paperwiff with thousands of social network followers worldwide, Vrinda Singh always adorns herself with utter modesty and ingenuity.
Have a look at this insightful interview to know more about this proficient leader

Vrinda Singh


Questions and answers

You carry within you modern-day beliefs as well as the rich culture of your roots. Do you believe the dichotomy complements each other and how so?

It is a dichotomy but both of them complement each other. Modern-day belief starts from the brain. Acceptance of the people, the culture, language, and the literature around you is what makes you modern, not the makeup, clothes, or fancy cars. Whereas rich culture is like an umbrella of our traditions, rituals, stories, and suggestions from our elders. So yes, I would say I am a girl who is a blend of both because I believe they go hand in hand.

You have emerged as a very eminent public speaker, motivating people and informing them about the burning issues of the day. When did you first recognize your passion for public speaking and decide to act upon it?

Addressing a mass gathering was one of my childhood dreams. I always had the feeling that people only listen to you when they feel connected. Having that innate connection with the audience came very naturally to me. So, I went on to participate in lots of extempore, speech, and debate competitions which have greatly contributed to my skills as a public speaker.

5 Minutes was listed under “Five Books by Indian Authors That You Must Read” by the Weekender. What was your reaction when you had first seen the article and how did it motivate you?

When I first saw the article it was like a dream come true. 5 minutes is my second book. So, when it got listed under the 5 Must-Read Books by Indian Authors I had a bold from the blue kind of feeling. Receiving all the positive feedbacks, praise boosted my confidence and courage. It motivated me to keep on writing and I started working on my third novel as well.

Apart from novels, you have also tried your hand at poetry. “I only Wished” is one of your deep and insightful masterpieces. Tell us the saga of your bond with poetry and what is poetry to you?

I believe you, me, and everyone in this world is a form of poetry. There is poetry in everything we do, it’s just that we cannot decipher it easily. I strongly believe that the expressions and emotions you put on poetry are not found in novels or storytelling. Poetry is an art and the key to polish your poetry is to practice it every day. To me, poetry is not just the depiction of my words but a depiction of my inner self.

PAPERWIFF is your entrepreneurial venture which aims at revolutionizing the literary field. When did you first conceive of the idea and what were the hurdles that you had to overcome in the initial days to establish your company?

I always wanted to be a writer but due to family pressure, I ended up studying engineering. The idea of PAPERWIFF was first conceived when I stepped out of college. The initial days were pretty cumbersome and doubtful as similar writing platforms were already existing. But I was certain to build a writer-centric platform with no language bounds. I remember starting it with two subscribers and here today, proudly hosting nearly 22 thousand exceptional writers.

Have you ever suffered from writer’s block and what was your way of getting over it?

I suffered writer’s block in 2020, I was overwhelmed with the imposition of so many restrictions. I was writing my third novel during that time; most of my characters are inspired by real-life people and true stories, not being able to go out and exchange thoughts with others was like a black curtain in front of my eyes. There were a lot of emotional and mental setbacks. Getting over it was difficult but I’m much better now and will complete the book very soon.

Tell us a bit about your blog “In the heat of the moment” and how did you employ social media to help it reach a greater audience?

Honestly, ” In the heat of the moment ” is my baby and that is where PAPERWIFF also came into the picture. Searching for the right audience is the most difficult task of a writer and being a nontechnical person further hampered my reach. So, I started in the heat of the moment as an experiment with algorithms. I was elated to see that my very first post got 50 subscribers and there has been no looking back ever since.