
Trey Baxter-The Modeling Sensation

Trey Baxter

What and how much does it take to be a successful model? Look behind these bluish-green eyes, beautiful hair and chiseled abs-tastic man in this interview below. International model (Guess) and poet, Trey Baxter talks about his (hopefully) upcoming book, experiences in the industry and inspiration.

Trey Baxter


Questions and answers

Trey, could you start by talking about where you come from, and how did you get into Modeling?

I’m originally from a small town in Washington state called Snohomish county. After High school, I knew I wasn’t going to do well in college, so I looked for representation in the greater Seattle area, and I found “Mother Agency” representation at Seattle Talent. They referred me to an agency in Los Angeles, Wilhelmina, and there I found my first agency to sign with. I saved up money for a whole year and moved out to LA. Over the years, I found other agencies and became happy with DT Model Management, Ford New York, and New Madison models Paris.

You’ve worked with Perry Ellis, among others. Could you elaborate on your experience shooting with them?

Perry Ellis was the first project I was a creative director on. The project was an influencer job, and they chose a handful of influencers and gave them full creative ability. It was one of my favourite jobs because I got to hire my closest friends for work, and my fiancé was in the ad with me. We got to hang with our friends and make money at the same time. It was a lot of fun.

We’ve watched your old sketches with Constanza and Dani. How did the collaboration happen, as they are quite funny?

The collaboration with Coti and her sister Dani, happened when Coti (Constanza) asked me to be a part of it. We knew each other from back in the day, and we were on a YouTube channel together. And when she asked me, I didn’t hesitate, and I immediately jumped on the opportunity.

Do you have a go-to fashion accessory or piece of clothing or jacket?

My rings are usually the accessories that I bring with me everywhere. They tend to be a good “cherry on top” of whatever I’m wearing.

What’s the wisest lesson you’ve learned about being in the industry?

You can’t rely on anyone more than your self. If you want your agent to work for you, you need to make it easier for your agent to find you work. Take the initiative on finding photographers to shoot with, collaborate with friends on projects, building your following. Things like that, to help your chances of booking work. Communication with your representation is the key. Then before you know it, you find the right team. 

Essentials to bring along your travels for a last-minute job are:

I bring a little bit of food with me, my accessories, and professionalism. That’s it. On the last minute job, they tend to have everything ready, so they just need you to be ready to do your job and do it well and to be easy to work with. To be your self, friendly, kind, respectful, that’s doing your job well.

Can you talk to us about health and fitness, because it somehow comes as a package deal in Modeling, but is it a personal matter to stay fit or is it for the job?

In health and fitness, my goal weight to maintain is 200 pounds. I am usually between 170 and 180, but it’s my personal goal to weigh 200. I have a speedy metabolism, so it’s hard for me to hold weight on. Weight lifting helps me, along with a healthy protein diet, with healthy carbs and healthy fats. When it comes to work, clients see your photos and expect you to fit your measurements and look at how you look, instead of showing up looking like a wrestler. Then their job is a lot harder to fit you in the clothes.

I personally want my weight and measurements to be based around 200 pounds.

Trey, we cannot go on without talking about poetry. Of course, we see your posts and captions. You repost a lot of Atticus Poetry, too. We were just wondering what role does poetry, or even the precision of it plays in your life in general?

Poetry has always been an instinctual outlet for me. I do very well at maintaining beautiful words from shows and movies, music especially. I found a lot of inspiration from Frank Sinatra at the beginning of sharing my poetry, and then I found Atticus and realized, “wait, I say words like that all the time!” So I started sharing my own words. And most of my inspiration comes from my best friend, life partner, and future mother of my children, Taylor Smith.

Can we expect a chapbook down the pipeline?

A book is definitely in the making. I’m a perfectionist, which is a blessing and a curse, but yes, a book is in the making.

You recently worked with Guess, which may or may not be a huge deal. It is such a huge name in fashion, in general. How was it working with them? Was it a tick off the bucket list?

It definitely was a tick off the bucket list for me. Working with Clients like Guess was a goal of mine. And they are by far some of my favourite people to work with. All are very fantastic.

Many models get into Modeling to eventually sneak into acting. Is that the case for you too, or do you look at other ventures?

Actually, at first, Modeling was supposed to be my side job to support me in pursuing my acting career. Now Modeling has become my main job and taking most of my time, which is a good thing. Now I’m in the middle of trying to aim my focus on goals I’ve discovered I want to accomplish, my book being one of them, also a business with my fiancé. So now, we both are working with our priorities and finding what we need to focus on first.

In this day and age, we all struggle with body image issues and mental illness much more openly and explicitly. Yet, there is still a struggle and a long way to go. What can you suggest to people who look up to you and go through these problems?

Find your outlet. Everyone is different, and everyone needs their own thing, whether it be watching your favourite show, painting, or running, find the thing that helps you find your centre, helps you regroup, and to better you for the rest of your day, week, month or year. Find your outlet and hold on to it. Mine ranges between having coffee by myself and being alone with my thoughts and.. Watching my favourite show Friends.

How do you tackle brutalist behaviour and e-trolling?

Don’t pay any attention to them. They need attention, don’t give it to them.

Lastly, who inspires you, both: in life and fashion?

My fiancé is my biggest inspiration. To be better, smarter, to expand in every way. She makes me want to be better for myself, for her, and our future children.