
5 Min Bit with Neha Gupta

tarot reader

Is destiny real? Can I change my future? How do I achieve my self-actualization goals if the future is not in my hands? All of us find ourselves pondering over such ubiquitous questions at some point in our lives. Meet Neha Gupta, a Tarot Reader, Reiki Healer, and Law of Attraction coach who is helping others find the best version of themselves with spirituality, science, and healing. A firm believer in the mantra of ‘creating the future; she says, “I understand that nothing is in the stones, it is our actions that decide our future.” Read more about the intriguing Neha Gupta in this engaging conversation with Storiyaan.

Tarot reader


Questions and answers

What is spirituality according to you and how does it help in the process of healing?

In my opinion, spirituality is the process that helps you attain the best version of yourself – both physically and emotionally. Healing in turn is the process of getting better and it ties all aspects of our lives together to give us stability and balance.

What was the reason that kindled your interest in the art of tarot reading?

My spiritual journey with Tarot Card reading started when I visited Ladakh and was fortunate enough to have a deep, spiritual conversation with a monk in a Shanti Stupa. During our conversation, he emphasized that except for our past, nothing is pre-written- our journey, destination, and everything else is created by us. This conversation piqued my interest, I began reading more books and taking more courses and since then there’s no looking back.

It is said that universal energy is transferred in Reiki. How is this energy transferred?

There are vibrations and energy in all our body parts, when we have any physical ailment or any emotional pain the energy of that particular region becomes stagnant and a block is created. Reiki helps that energy flow by sending energy from one hand to the other or by placing the hand a little above their body. This enhances the natural healing power in ourselves and balances everything.

As the process of healing might take a lot of time, how do you gain the faith of a skeptical client?

I always inform my clients that healing is a lifelong process. Learning new lessons about us, taking conscious decisions, searching, and living in our inner strength are all parts of healing. So, my workshops and energy flipping techniques are all based on improving our inner strength so that we can deal with the ups and downs of our life, find happiness and satisfaction with ourselves.

As a tarot reader, what are some of the misconceptions you come across while dealing with clients and how do you handle them?

One common misconception surrounding tarot reading is that we can predict the future. People believe that our futures are scripted and as a tarot reader we can inform them about their future whereas, in reality, we can only guide them. I explain to everyone how the power to change the future lies with us and no one but only we can change our future through our willpower.

Could you elaborate on the idea that how colours act as therapy?

Colours reflect in the retina of our eyes and our brain cells interpret different variants for different colours which cause different emotions in us so when I see red, I see love but if there’s an excess of red around me, there is too much anger within me. So, Colour Therapy uses different techniques to interpret varying frequencies and vibrations of colour to help us manifest our emotional and sensory experience.

What are some of the ways one can practice manifestation?

The first and the most basic way of manifestation is an affirmation which includes repeating a few positive sentences about yourself every day like “I am good and healthy”. The second way is the scripting technique which means you should write how you wish your future to be but in the present tense like “I am thankful to have a stable and happy life which is fulfilling”. The third way is the visualization technique in which you close your eyes and imagine things happening in your life.