
Priyam Ghose-Content Inspiration

Priyam Ghose

A frequent presence in the circuit of acclaimed comedy, Priyam Ghose is now a constant current. Known for his innocent sense of humor while infusing the light wit of his Bengali culture and Indian pop culture, he manages to spice up his presence on his YouTube channel as well as on the stage. For all the content creators out there watch out for what Priyam has to say about his bone-tickling wit and creating content online.

Priyam Ghose


Questions and answers

From being a standup comedian to a YouTuber, how did you manage to establish yourself on YouTube? How has the journey been so far?

In Kolkata, people used to turn up for stand up shows only when a comedian from Mumbai was in the line-up. I realized that an internet presence is needed for me to pull the crowd in live events—that is when I started making videos. The journey so far has been full of hustle yet very fulfilling.

What is your source of motivation while creating content, and where do you derive the idea for the same?

The need to put my point across on matters of relevance, the duty to keep my well-wishers entertained, and my responsibility as an influencer to create awareness is what motivates me to create my content. I earn my daily bread and butter by making videos, so obviously, the financial motivation is there too!

What was the reaction of your family and friends when you first mentioned to them about your decision to make vines?

I quit my job to create videos full time, and my mother was incredibly supportive of the decision since day one. That should give you the answer.

YouTubers often face criticism for their unconventional choices as they ditch a 9 to 5 job and pursue their passion. Have you ever received any such comments, and how do you deal with them?

 A content creator caters to lakhs and lakhs of people with each video. Not everyone would like a video because, in my opinion, humor is extremely subjective and differs from person to person. There are haters and trolls, but one gets used to it after a certain point of time, and I personally don’t pay heed to them anymore.

We have heard that you have promised to make content daily. What is your routine on days when you make videos?

Wake Up, think the concept, shoot, edit and post the video for the audience to enjoy.

In one of the videos that you shot, you have met the team of Kolkata Knight Riders along with King Khan. How was your overall experience?

I’m a big fan of KKR and a bigger fan of Shah Rukh Khan. So to get an opportunity to get associated with KKR was in itself big for me. KKR helped me to meet SRK, which was the cherry on the cake. When you meet the person you idolize, the feeling is surreal. The same happened to me.

What are your tips and tricks to engage with the audience?

Be original and don’t try to fake it. Most importantly, rather than copying someone and being someone you are not, be yourself.

What has been your most unforgettable experience/incident in your journey of making people smile and laugh?

The love I receive from all over the world. People keep sending me ‘thank you’ notes and saying that my videos helped them overcome a tough situation. It’s the most exclusive feeling and, I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. This is what I create content for.

YouTube videos do well, and some don't. How do you cope up when the graph of likes on your videos goes down? How do you manage to stay motivated in such times?

 I avoid obsessing over that and immediately start thinking about content for my next video.

Who is your ideal when it comes to YouTube, and what is it about that person that inspires you?

At present, I like Tanmay Bhat as a Youtuber, majorly because he’s hard-working, dedicated, and original all the time.

What was your very first video on YouTube about, and how many likes and comments had you received?

As I said, I started making videos to pull the crowd to my stand up shows. I started making videos with a series called ‘Sit Down Comedy,’ where I used to sit and perform my stand up sketches. It had received 2000 views only.  The crux of this is that you shouldn’t give up, no matter how bad the start is or how rough the journey becomes. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to people who want to venture into YouTube?

Never give up!


Be the hardest worker in the room. Don’t care what people say.

Share the love and joy!


What is that one thing that you would want to say, if given a chance, to your younger self?

Nothing. To be honest, I’ve been the same throughout, and I’ m proud of that. I don’t like to live with regrets.