
A LAWYER’s VOYAGE– Khyati Thaker


Khyati Thaker is a blogger, lawyer, solopreneur and a travel addict. ALawyersVoyage is a blog that encapsulates her travel experiences, itineraries, tips, photo stories and everything about travelling the world. She firmly believes that to travel is to evolve.

Team Storiyaan had a word with the travel-blogger about her journey in law, blogging content and her travels!


Questions and answers

The hustle of being a lawyer to being a full-fledged travel blogger. How has this journey helped you evolve as an individual?

I left my job in the law firm to set up my venture “A Lawyer’s Voyage”. From a 9 to 9 corporate life to a full-time traveller, the journey has helped me to discover my purpose in life, to trust the journey and spread happiness along the way, to taking risks and controlling the outcomes of my decisions and believing in myself.

What made you indulge into becoming a WIP Solopreneur? Even during tough times, what motivates you to keep going?

Initially, after every trip, I shared my travel stories with friends and relatives and posted pictures on social media. Gradually, my hunger to pen down my travel experiences started to grow. I loved my corporate job and enjoyed every minute of it. But I always asked myself if I could do this for the rest of my life, the answer was NO. It eventually made me think why can’t this be my career?  I am an optimist. I have faith in my hard work and my constant focus to grow. And also, those tough times come and go – that’s life! Many people across the globe connect with me for the blogs I post and the content I create on Instagram. I feel so thankful and overwhelmed, and this acts as a morale booster.



Being someone who travels for a living, how do you plan out your travels and financially support it?

When you start blogging as a profession, earning is challenging in the initial years. When I started this venture, I used the savings from my previous job. Today, a blog, which started as a passion, has become a decent-paying job. My source of revenue includes sponsors, brand collaborations, affiliate marketing, freelance content writing and consulting.


Your blog dabbles on diverse topics which range from motivational quotes to self-help reads. How do you conceptualise these topics and later execute them?

I love the research you have done about my website- A Lawyer’s Voyage.

My goal is to create a warm and loving space. It ranges from travel blogs to personal growth. Coming up with new content ideas is tricky but not undoable. Every time I start writing a blog, I keep in mind my target audience, I spend time on forums to understand the topics being discussed, use tools to generate ideas and likewise. The whole intent is to create quality content. My motto is usually to write about the issues that are well researched, which are helpful to the audience, and I am passionate about.


How did you hone your photography skills to capture those pristine clicks on your Instagram?

Thank you for visiting my Instagram profile.

I remember the first photography book was gifted by my brother when I was 19. I do not consider myself a photographer, but during my free time, I read and learn about photography. I also enrolled myself for photography classes and workshops. It’s rightly said – “Taking pictures is savouring life intensely, every hundredth second of a second”.

What would be your advice to aspiring bloggers who want to enter the blogging world?

To start with, create a plan. Without clear goals and plan of action, you may end up working endlessly. You must figure out a few things first like what your blog is about and what you want to do with it. Every time I write a post, I ask myself “does this help my readers?” Write as often as you possibly can. Writing blog posts is just the beginning; in addition to creating content, bloggers must optimise for search engines, make time for social media, market their content, network and engage with their readers. Remember – Blogging requires quality time and commitment to produce success. Focus on quality and not on immediate success.