
5 min bit with Aditya Lal

5 min bit with Aditya Lal

Aditya Lal is an actor. He is a fresh face in the industry, and with his already hit web series, this hunk is gaining a lot of attention and popularity. Fans across the country have heavily applauded his work on ‘Asur’ and ‘Fitraat.’


With a bright future ahead, Aditya is ready to take this industry with fire and passion. Let’s read what he had to say to Team Storiyaan in this interview.


Questions and answers

You were studying in the UK when you first acted in University, right? Can you take us through that moment?

Yes. I studied at Loughborough University in the UK. I had two Pakistani friends there, Hussein and Hamsa, who were the presidents of the University’s dramatic society. There was this play on the roll at that time, called Dil Se. The lead actor was ill; I do not remember well. But they were good friends and so one day, they came up to me and said – “You’re such a theatrical person and even look good. We need an actor for this play urgently. Will you do it?” At first, I snapped. I simply asked them if they were crazy. But eventually, they coaxed me, and I went on to win The Best Actor in the East Midlands.

Did you always know you wanted to be an actor, or did it announce itself?

Not at all! I had no intention of becoming an actor. I didn’t even know that I could act. I think it was the opportunity that knocked on my door back in University that got me interested in it. And then what also helped cement the thought was my first film, which was shelved. So what I learned, and what people can take from this too, is that there are no bornē actors.

Your debut film was shelved. You even got past the audition phase. We wondered if it demotivated you at all, or did you look at it as a rolling stone?

It wasn’t my debut. I have had four projects that I have signed and have got shelved. So it doesn’t demotivate me at all. It motivates me to work a lot harder and be better at what I love to do. Of course, one feels low and let down. But one has to learn to pick up the pieces and keep going on.

We cannot proceed without talking about Asur. You were lauded for your performance in the show. Could you maybe talk about how the show came along?

I was in Delhi when Harry Parmar called me from Mukesh Chhabra’s office. He asked me if I could play a negative lead role for a show. Since I was in Delhi, he sent the script to me. I co-acted with my Dad while my sister filmed us and I sent my audition to them. That was how I bagged roles in the web shows – Asur and Fitraat since Ding produced both these shows.

How has lockdown been? Do you keep yourself busy, or do you miss being on set?

Lockdown has been a real learning experience for me. Not to sound spiritual or reflective, but I have learned patience. I have learned how to keep myself busy without depending on external factors. I never used to read, but I have started reading now. And yes, I miss being on set, and I hope we get to shoot again really soon.

Do you ever have moments where you feel insecure or anxious?

If you ask in accordance with the lockdown, yes, I have. It’s because you don’t know what’s happening. It’s uncertain, unprecedented, and crazy. But generally in my life, I am not an anxious kind of guy. I do overthink, but without the anxiety, so it cancels out.

Can you give a piece of advice to young actors, like you, who are perhaps watching you on the screen and hoping to be an actor someday?

Stick it out. Remember, a winner is just a loser who tried one more time. The three P’s – Patience, Persistence, and Perseverance – are the key. You are not here to become like the next someone. Be true to yourself. Read, enact a few scenes, improve consistently.. Read, act out a few scenes, do improve. I do it too because I am still a young and new actor. And most importantly, never forget the reason you are here.