

Anisha Julka

As it is said, our bodies are our gardens- our wills, our gardeners, taking care of oneself should be one’s primary priority. Anisha Julka, the young fitness influencer has inspired a million other 9-5 workers by demonstrating that it’s possible to live a healthy lifestyle despite a hectic work schedule. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy but Anisha knows how to balance. Whether it’s a boring salad or a boring workout, she knows how to spice things up.

Anisha began her career as a software engineer after earning her Btech in Electronics and Communication and being a gold medalist in her batch from NIT Jalandhar. Nevertheless, she has lived a life beyond her computer screen. Her thirst for knowledge has driven her to further pursue CPD certification in Nutrition and Diet. From shredding weight to gaining a 23K follower base on her Instagram page FitnessOnMyPlate, she has come a long way. Her passion for fitness and her love for food has inspired her to combine both and share with her viewers the most interesting fast-food alternatives as well as tactics for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  

In her conversation with Storiyaan, Anisha has shared the ebb and flow of her journey towards a truly healthy life. Continue reading to know more.

Anisha Julka


Questions and answers

Tell us the story that intrigued your passion for nutrition and fitness?

In school, some people used to tease me because I was fat and it hindered my confidence. For a change, I started exercising and dieting in an unplanned way and soon noticed that I was losing a lot of weight. However, it was the wrong procedure as my body wasn’t getting enough calories. In my senior year in college, I started hitting the gym and following the diet chart my trainer suggested. In less than six months I could feel the change in myself, I was both stronger and healthier. This practice became my lifestyle and intrigued me to gain more knowledge about it, so I started reading about nutrition and fitness and implementing it in my life.

What are the major changes you find in people's awareness about living and eating healthy in the current times?

I feel now-a-days more and more people are becoming aware of the fact that living a healthy life is different from eating less. People are spending a lot of time scrolling through Instagram reels and YouTube shorts. I really appreciate how nutritionists and other fitness enthusiasts spend their time posting content that promotes healthy eating and emphasize the fact that you don’t have to eat less to have a healthy and fit body. These days, social media has become a powerful tool to shape people’s minds.

Share with us the story that led to the foundation of the page FitnessOnMyPlate.

When I started going to the gym and following my trainer’s diet plan, I thought of making an Instagram page dedicated to fitness and healthy eating. In the beginning, I simply used to post what I ate, but later when I learned more about nutrition and experimented the same with recipes, I started talking about it. I realized this was not only helping me keep up with the page but also maintaining a nutritious diet for myself.

What were some pet peeves of maintaining the consistency of your fitness page?

Like every other influencer, I too face a lot of problems in maintaining consistency with my fitness page. Somedays because of personal issues, you simply do not feel like posting though you have several posts already created. Also, I am a software engineer pursuing a job that demands 7-8 hours of my day and it becomes difficult to manage time and curate posts for my page. Another issue is sometimes, due to lack of time,I don’t get to have enough calories, micros/macros. I don’t want to post only to keep the page alive on those days because I want to be honest with my viewers.

Since you yourself have gone through the weight loss journey, what would be your suggestion on this and some of the ways to curb it?

Through my weight loss journey, I have learned that consistency is the key, however, it often gets broken if you try to do something extreme. You have to change your eating habits and make sure you get enough calories. If you crave your favourite food, have it in moderation, control the portion and combine it with something healthy. Indulge in physical activities. Make healthy eating your lifestyle. As said by Aristotle, “You are what you repeat, excellence then is not an act but a habit”


To Know More about Anisha Julka
and her experience as a fitness influencer check out her Instagram below.
