
Chintan Meghani: Capturing The Unforgettable

Chintan Meghani

When the world lives in pristine grids and aesthetic stories, photography becomes a daily affair. Conquering this world of pixels is Chintan Meghani, a Photographer and a Filmmaker who kick-started his photography company, “Pixels and Lens” after 16 years of working in the Diamond Industry. His venture is based on the sole philosophy of creating and capturing photographic moments that last a lifetime.  

Besides, Chintan assures that they put their best foot forward when it comes to client satisfaction. They are committed to delivering over and beyond their client’s expectations. Yet, Chintan is a man of few words and lets his awe-inspiring work do the talking.

Dig deeper into the world of professional photography, some tips and much more in this indulgent conversation with Storiyaan.    

Chintan Meghani

Chintan Meghani: Capturing The Unforgettable


Questions and answers

You have worked in the Diamond Industry as a data analyst for the last 16 years. How has your experience of working there been like?

Yes, working in the Diamond industry for this prolonged time has been an enriching experience. It has taught me a lot about people. I learned that everyone, irrespective of their status, education, etc. deserves respect and an opportunity to grow.

What made you pursue Photography?

I took the decision back in 2008, during the recession. I wanted to have a backup plan that I could fall back on. But this plan had to be something that I am passionate about as otherwise, I would lack the incentive to work extra hours. Thus, the most obvious choice was Photography.

What were some of the hurdles you faced and overcame during the initial days of starting “Pixels and Lens”?

I look at hurdles like a learning curve. Hence, the whole process becomes enjoyable. “Pixel and Lens” is only a 2-year-old company, and we are constantly learning. It’s cyclical; we learn, experiment, and learn from that again. Moreover, the goal has always been to never stop learning.

To conquer a demanding audience, it is truly important to be informed about the latest trends in the field. How do you achieve this while shooting for a customer?

The key here is to personalize each project. We spend time communicating with the clients to understand what they want. This is followed by putting our heart and soul into materializing that product creatively. Therefore, this individuality and style of creation is our forte. 

What are some of the measures adopted by you while it comes to shooting and filming during this time of pandemic?

In these challenging times, we understand that everyone is in the same boat be it our clients or us. So we try and create personalized packages that suit their requirements. In addition, on shoots, we maintain proper social distancing, along with getting our tests done before and after every project.

Could you share with us one memorable experience of yours with your clients that has had a great impact on you?

Yes sure. I was shooting for a Food brand in Mumbai, and their Marketing Manager informed me that someone recommended me to them. However, I did not recognize any names she mentioned. This was a gratifying feeling that although I didnt know them or had not met them, they trusted it enough to recommend it to someone. Additionally, this further strengthened my faith in the force that’s beyond us.

What are some parts of your work now which you truly enjoy doing and strive to make unique and gratifying?

I practically enjoy every aspect of running this business. Whether it’s business development, pre-production, shooting, post-production, accounts, etc. I get immense joy in doing the smallest of things when it comes to “Pixel and Lens”. And thanks to this passion, I have not had any Monday Blues since the company has started.

Tell us the ways through which “Pixels and Lens” can be reached by customers for booking and framing their special moments.

Yes, we are just a text away on our WhatsApp no. – 9619941106. Along with this, we are also available on Instagram (@pixelandlensbycm). Furthermore, if you wish to view our work feel free to check our website:

Can you confide in us what projects you are working on at the moment?

Currently, we are preparing for the upcoming wedding season. Furthermore, we have ongoing Shoots like Fashion, Interior Decor, Family Portraits, Products, Food, Corporate headshots, etc.

What would be your advice to the individuals who are trying to dip their feet as a professional in filming and photography?

According to my opinion, this is the best time to be in this field. Since the entire marketplace is shifting online, you can push through the saturation with your creativity, talent and ideas. All you need is some images and videos to start.


Quick 5

1.Your proudest moment – My first international wedding photography award.

2. One thing that always lifts your moodGood Music

3. The person who has been your motivationMy Spiritual Guruji

4. Any photography tipsKeep Shooting

5. Your favourite past-timeBinge-watching documentaries