
Deepali Prakash Chhatwani: Trendsetters !

Deepali Prakash Chhatwani

“We believe in creating the trend, not following it.” Quotes Deepali Prakash Chhatwani, who was a journalist, and is an entrepreneur by profession.

Having a desire to do something unique, Deepali juggled with numerous fields, one of them being journalism and after having an experience of 10 years, Deepali knew this wasn’t the objective. Moving forward and putting her journalism to use, Deepali started her very own brand ContentKosh.

It may have begun with fits and starts but Deepali soon recovered and returned back better, and with team members. With the proportion of hardwork put, it didn’t take much time for Deepali to paint a perfect picture of success. To know more, dig deeper and head onto Storiyaan!

Deepali Prakash Chhatwani

Deepali Prakash Chhatwani: Trendsetters !


Questions and answers

Having worked as an entertainment journalist for such a significant time, what were some of the major lessons that you learned about the industry from experience?

Being in journalism means you have to be nice to people and sharing a good rapport with everyone. Understanding the story and its people enables one to move forward and of course, good writing skills. You must not have a rivalry. Diplomacy skills give extra XP. These things, I believe are important that take you places.

What were some of the pet peeves of the industry that affected you the most and you would have liked to change?

Nobody in the industry talks great about the other person. One can always have friends but they won’t talk good about you and that’s the thing I would want to change. Certain people meet well with each other but then most of the time only hear wrong things. Negativity needs to be lessened down.


How were you struck with the idea for ContentKosh in the first place and how did you draw your plan of action for it?

ContentKosh is a design, social media content agency. The USP lies in the design and content since I have been in the business for 12 years and have a knack for writing. There are many amazing people of Gujarat that I wanted to get in the limelight.  I knew I had to start this off and the plan of action was to know more about the lives we touch. The plan of action to become one of the most significant or remarkable personal branding agencies of India was nothing but well-planned.

When you initially started ContentKosh, you must have had your fair share of obstacles. Can you share some of them with our readers and how you overcame them?

In the beginning, I had no idea of how to move ahead as none of my family members was ever in business, I didn’t have the exposure to an entrepreneur. There were a crazy number of obstacles, I needed to be more professional in terms of starting a brand. Later, I thought it through and concentrated more on investing in having a team, a plan, which gave me a headstart. Smooth and organised work is what my agency looks up to.

You mentioned, that for you, "Selling high-quality content is more important than selling a high price content." Can you elaborate a bit on that?

High-quality content has a better impact than that high price content because when you say higher it’s you who will get bored with the same kind of content, but when it comes to high-quality content you look different and do well, plus people look up to you. High priced content does not mean the best content. Well researched content would make more sense than trending content.


What is your strategy of remaining up to date with the latest trends in the content market?

The agency believes in creating a trend, not following it. One can come up with different kinds of content. There is no strategy, it’s just that I will follow what I have been following. I’m not going to leave my ideologies just for authentic content. I don’t believe in competing with the content market because it’s on a content creator to establish the content.

Tell us about your experience working in front of the camera for the first time.

It was crazy because I’ve been a journalist throughout and I’ve been a person who’s never been on camera! I’m good at having a conversation one on one with people but when it comes to being on stage or being in front of the camera I get conscious. Overall, it was an overwhelming experience but as I went on, it was a fabulous feeling that I want to experience again and again.

Tell us a bit about @deeceepaps and what distinguishes it from other paparazzi pages?

@deeceepaps is the first paparazzi page of Gujrat. We cater to all the biggies of Gujrat and pap them at the airport. @deeceepaps is different from other pages as we never invade anyone’s privacy. @deeceepaps covers news only that are supposed to be healthy to know, not something toxic, not something weird and not anything that would bother somebody’s personal life, and this makes us different.

How did the Covid-19 pandemic affect your work and how did you manage to keep up quality content relying on digital sources due to the travel restrictions?

Frankly, my work did not get affected and in fact, grew more. ContentKosh, as a brand, did well. ContentKosh happened better during the lockdown. @deeceepaps happened just after the lockdown, so, the lockdown has been a blessing in disguise and it has just helped me grow and connect better than ever.

Quick 5

1. A person you look up to: Sushmita Sen and Chiranjiv Patel.

2. Your best read: Everything I read is my best one.

3. Then pandemic has been? A blessing in disguise.

4. ContentKosh in a word: Passion and dedication.

5. Content creation to you is: An art that not everyone has.