
Devina Badhwar: Discovering The Spirit Within

Devina Badhwar

We, humans, are quick to criticize but rarely do we compliment ourselves. If we are kinder to ourselves and practice affirmations and manifestation regularly, we will encounter an unparalleled change in our lives”, reaffirms Devina Badhwar.

Often we find ourselves spiralling in the unhelpful world of negativity and self-doubt. Devina Badhwar is an Angel Healer who is illuminating the much-needed path of positive affirmations and self-preservation. With an inherent flame to explore the spiritual realm, she learnt Reiki at the young age of 13 and subsequently followed it with mastering the study of Crystal Healing and Hypnotherapy.

Devina Badhwar has a graduate degree in Psychology, is a Reiki Master and is highly qualified in Counselling and Solution-Focused Therapy among several other certifications. Having stumbled upon her first Angel Calling, she experienced spiritual upliftment and euphoria during her Meditation and Hypnotherapy Studies. Besides, she is reconstructing the thinking patterns of her clients and guiding them in their recovery journey for over 13 years.

We at Storiyaan navigated her journey, belief, healing processes and much more in this enlightening conversation with Devina Badhwar.

Devina Badhwar

Devina Badhwar: Discovering The Spirit Within


Questions and answers

Your profession is deeply interlaced with spirituality. When and how did you find this calling?

I had the calling at a very young age and I have always been very sensitive to animals and the environment. In addition, spirituality intrigued me and I wished to discover it further. 

Apart from the inclination, what other research sources did you go through, to develop your niche?

Apart from my inclination, I started performing Reiki and Crystal Healing when I was 13. Besides, I immersed myself in books about Past Life Regression and attended courses on Hypnoses and Counselling Therapy religiously.

Have you ever crossed paths with a sceptical help-seeker? If yes, how do you deal with a situation like that?

Yes, I try to explain and clear doubts but if they are perpetual sceptics, I don’t let them get under my skin. I strongly believe and have faith in my work because I have seen change, results and transformation. More importantly, everybody will not be on the same page and it’s okay.

As an avid practitioner can you illuminate cord-cutting hypnosis?

In cord-cutting hypnosis, we cut the energy cord of another person who might be dreaming about your energy. When you want to get rid of someone’s negative energy, we help cut those negative energy cords to bring you peace.

What are some of the ramifications that can take place, if hypnotherapy is not done under proper guidance?

In cord-cutting hypnosis, we cut the energy cord of another person who might be dreaming about your energy. When you want to get rid of someone’s negative energy, we help cut those negative energy cords to bring you peace.

What are some of the ramifications that can take place, if hypnotherapy is not done under proper guidance?

The situation can have dire consequences. Incorrect hypo-therapy can leave a client dazed or more emotional. If you unearth traumatic experiences and if you don’t help them ease out of them, their memories can be affected negatively.

Can you emphasize the importance of affirmations and positive self-talk in one's prosperity?

Affirmations are extremely powerful in changing our belief system. They help remove self-doubt and induce self-love within us. When we practice positive self-talk regularly we can build confidence in our subconscious mind.

What are the top 3 affirmations that can help someone kick start their day?

The top 3 will be ‘I would say I attract positive energy throughout my day’, ‘everything is working out for me’ and ‘I love myself and I am healthy and happy’.

Can you talk to us about the 555 rule in the world of manifestation?

I don’t personally practice the 555 rule. As far as my knowledge regarding this technique goes, it says that if you write something 5 times then it helps in manifestation. But it can be subjective and my information is limited in this regard.

What according to you is the right way of sending your wishes out in the universe? What are the do's and don’ts s associated with it?

While sending our wishes in the universe the most important part is that you make sure you don’t dictate the ‘How’ and ‘When’. We need to surrender to the timeline and trust that if it’s meant to be then it’ll be. Additionally, there should be a positive statement in the present tense with an accurate framing which if repeated regularly can be beneficial.

How can one strike a perfect balance in manifesting towards their dreams and not overthinking or dwelling into anxiety?

This might be difficult but thinking about a positive memory or thought might help if negativity takes over you. Practice and trick your mind to say no to negativity. Thus, after practising this for some time, you will start feeling good and will be in a much better state of mind.    

Lastly, how do you think these holistic wellness practices help in improving our physical well being too?

I believe the mindset played an important role in overall health. When we use strategies like meditation, breathing and yoga it keeps our mind & body in a good health. Hence, it’s important to realise that energy with holistic wellness helps a lot and we must balance it out

Quick 5

1. Your go-to remedy, for combating a stressful day – Lighting a candle and listen to my favourite music

2. One positive affirmation that puts you in a better headspace – The universe is working in my favour

3. Positive self-talk or Hypnotherapy what heals better – Both, but Positive Health is faster  

4. Is hypnotherapy more Healing or challenging for you – More healing

5. One thing you manifest for, every single day – I manifest the good that happened and for which I am grateful.