
Dr. Niket Patel – The OBGYN Life in a Nutshell

Dr. Niket Patel

Dr. Niket Patel, “The secret to an awesome recovery is simply a doctor who is extraordinary”. And we at Storiyaan are elated to bring forth the story of one such doctor.

A child who dreamt of becoming a doctor, to a doctor who now witnesses the magical moments when a couple’s dream of conceiving comes to life, Niket’s journey is a one worth reading. From infertility to new age conceiving methodologies, he takes us through a plethora of perspectives in this interview.

Dr. Niket is a perfect amalgamation of science and emotions when it comes to his words. If not biology you will surely take away some thought provoking outlooks that will not leave you for a long time.  Read to know more

Dr. Niket Patel

Dr. Niket Patel – The OBGYN Life in a Nutshell


Questions and answers

What is the story of you wanting to become a gynecologist and venture into the world of IVF and infertility?

Having grown up in a family of doctors and seeing the effort put in by my parents, especially my mother changing the lives of numerous people by giving them the immense and unparalleled joy of parenthood, I also decided to become a gynecologist and venture into the world of IVF and infertility. During the course of my post-graduation, I realized my new found love for surgeries, I specialized in the field of Advanced laparoscopic surgeries. Witnessing the ultimate joy and elation that a couple experiences on conceiving, slowly and steadily, I developed interest in the field of IVF and decided to specialize in the field of infertility as well.

Share with us the hurdles you had to face in this journey and how did you manage to overcome them?

The hurdle that I have had to face is that people always used to feel I wouldn’t be able to live upto my family’s & societal expectations and I was sometimes frowned upon as well. I always had the motivation of my family and also my grit and determination to not prove anything to anyone but better myself and my skill at every given opportunity, which is what helped me overcome this and be what I am.

Could you please brief us a bit about the helm of regenerative medicine and cater Services?

I feel Regenerative medicine is the future of not only Infertility but its application in numerous other fields of medicine is going to be tremendous.

In terms of services, we do a lot of cases of Ovarian Rejuvenation, Endometrial

Rejuvenation with PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma) and BMDCC (Bone Marrow Derived Cell Concentrate).These Novel techniques are a ray of hope for those females who have a compromised ovary or uterus and want to still conceive with their own gametes and womb. When such patients conceive, we as infertility doctors experience paramount bliss and the patient’s emotions are beyond any words.

You have your specialization in advanced laparoscopic surgeries. Could you make us aware about the benefits of laparoscopic surgeries?

Endoscopic surgeries are basically Keyhole surgeries where in most gynecologic abnormalities (eg: fibroids, Endometriosis, PCOS, ovarian Cysts etc) can be diagnosed and corrected simultaneously.

These surgeries are done with the aid of 2-3 small 5mm ports on the abdomen through which one can do something as small as diagnosing and opening up a fallopian tube block to as big as removing the uterus or removing cancers of uterus, ovaries etc. as they are done through very small ports or incisions, they are cosmetic in nature and have become very popular.

Share with us one experience with your patients which makes you feel proud and content about your profession.

I had one patient who came to me with a huge uterine fibroid and poor ovarian reserve..We planned to do a laparoscopic myomectomy and remove that huge fibroid that weighed 1.2 kgs and we did an ovarian rejuvenation simultaneously.

The 1st IUI failed. Following month I did a 2nd IUI and to my surprise the patient conceived with a twin pregnancy. She delivered a healthy baby girl and a boy and she was ecstatic. Every year when she comes to visit me, it makes me feel proud to be a doctor and pursue this profession and motivates me to work harder.

What are the complications one can get who has undergone laparoscopic surgeries and how to avoid such complications?

There are numerous complications like Anaesthesia related complications, surgical complications like bladder and bowel injury etc. To avoid such complications one must ensure a proper setup with an experienced team who is trained to the core and is able adopt a multidisciplinary approach when facing such complications.

Infertility is almost always thought of as a woman’s issue, and it’s true. What awareness do you want to spread in this respect?

No, infertility is as much a male related issue as much as it is a female related issue. Infact in the past decade the number of male infertility cases are rising tremendously. Males generally in my opinion still do hesitate to accept and bring up their fertility related issues. I would urge all males who are facing any issues to come up with their problems, face it and get a solution to it. Whenever dealing with infertility both partners need to be examined equally only then would the treatment be a targeted one and not an empirical one.

Akanksha Hospital and Research Institute has always been at the forefront of technology. How does it prove to be the best and what are the facilities one can get under this hospital?

Akanksha Hospital and Research institute has always been at the forefront of technology and innovation as far as the world of women healthcare, IVF and Endoscopy is concerned. We have all the advanced equipment and machineries in the field under one roof. lt is a one stop solution for any woman’s problem.

Right from the most advanced USG machine, 3D-4K laparoscopy unit to an in house poloscope,PGS – NGS platform and a 25 bedded NICU.

We also cater to the problems of male infertility, and also at the helm of regenerative medicine and cater services like ovarian and Uterine Rejuvenation, which are the latest developments in the field of reproductive medicine.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years and what newer domain are you interested in?

In the next five years, we wish to expand our horizons, so that our method of treatment and cure (Esp. Regenerative medicine) can reach and benefit many more people in other parts of India as well as internationally.

We have already started a unit in Rajkot and are looking at other plausible options in other states of India as well.

Quick 5

1. One mantra you follow in life– Dream big and don’t fear failure

2. Your proudest moment– Becoming a doctor and possessing the capability to heal millions

3. One thing you are afraid of– A negative mindset

4. The best book you have read till date– My Gita by DevduttPattanaik

5. Your go- to music– A.R. Rahman, Lucky Ali, 90’s Bollywood, Backstreet Boys, Charlie Puth, Justin Bieber hit ones.

6. When you don’t work, you mostly – Play or watch sports or spend time with my family