
Harshita Chaarag –Various professions, one destination

Harshita Chaarag

Coming from an army background, I always anticipated serving the nation in my way. So, when it came to my career path I gave in to my family pressure and took up law as an aspiration to fulfill my purpose.

Be it the first internship or the academia I gave my best shot. Looking at my varied work experience and feedback from my internships my family members often bestowed me with remarks like “you are perfect for this profession.”

Soon, I realized that law wasn’t something I enjoyed. However, I wanted to fulfill my responsibility as well. I was confused between working in the legal field – that was expected from me, and finding an alternative – something I enjoyed doing.

I was completely shattered and my anxiety levels kept rising. I even had panic attacks thinking about my career. The self-doubt and confusion got up to a point where it became fear; there was a severe need for damage control.

While I was just one step away from becoming a lawyer I decided to stick to my gut feeling and figure out my calling rather than following what I was forced into. After a few months of exploration, I finally went on to become a soft skill trainer and image consultant.

So far I’ve conducted 6 online group training sessions for over 100 participants. 2 physical workshops for below poverty line students to empower them in communication skills and etiquette. Workshop with wards of defense personnel from classes 9-12 on first impressions and everyday etiquette.

I often heard the elders in my family talk about pursuing a profession that lets you help people, and guide those in need. For them, getting into law and joining the judiciary would have been the perfect way of doing it.

While I wanted to stick to this core belief, soft skills training made me realize that “the world outside the court needs help as well.”

And despite receiving a lot of “why don’t you take up a stable job?” I knew for a fact that my path may have changed but my destination was still the same.”

Featuring: Harshita Chaarag – soft skill trainer and image consultant who has conducted multiple one-on-one sessions with clients from Delhi, Bengaluru, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Ranchi, Chandigarh, Chennai.

Harshita Chaarag