
Hawking’s doodle on Google


‘Hawking's doodle on google’

Stephen Hawking

His valuable contributions

Google’s tribute to Hawking.

The inspiring video.

Google’s heartfelt message

Sundar Pichai’s tweet

Today, marks the 80th birth of the globally acclaimed English physicist, Stephen Hawking and Google celebrates this special occasion in its own doodle way to honour the genius.

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking was born on 8th January 1942 in Oxford, England.  From a very young age, he had developed a strange inclination towards the universe and its mechanism. At the age of 21, he was diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disease, which slowly confined him to a wheelchair. He suffered from loss of speech as well, and the only way through which he could communicate was the speech-generating device. However, his landmark achievements and his unwavering curiosity and intellect, earned him the nickname ‘Einstein’.

His valuable contributions

Stephen’s  health never marred his progress as can be evidently understood from the video where the Hawking’s voice narrates  “My expectations were reduced to zero at 21,” and “Since then, everything has been a bonus”. He didn’t succumb to the despairing circumstances rather he fought against all odds and proved his merit to the world.

His family stood with him in his tough times and motivated him to move further. He  graduated from Oxford with a BA degree in Physics, before obtaining a PhD from the University of Cambridge. Carrying his fascination for universe forward, he became obsessed with black holes and made it  the foundation for his studies and research. In 1974, his research led him to the monumental discovery that particles could escape black holes and with this his career ascended up. He received several recognitions including the Albert Einstein medal. In 1979, Hawking was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge.

Google’s tribute to Hawking

Google’s doodles are a no new thing to observe special events. This time also, it posted a special doodle with a two and a half minute YouTube video its homepage. The doodle depicts an animated image of Hawking with the entire background as a pictorial sum up of his career. 

The inspiring video

The play button on the doodle  directs the user to a YouTube video in Hawking’s computer generated voice. In the video, Hawking narrates his journey from being  stricken with a disease to coming to a fuller comprehension of the universe. The video is trending at #14 on YouTube and voice of Hawking can be heard narrating the wise words  “My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why is it as it is? Why it exists at all? “The video ends with an inspiring message from Hawkins. “However bad life may seem, while there is life, there is hope” and Hawkins surely is that embodiment of hope.

Google’s heart felt message

 In its description about the doodle, Google left a heartfelt note, “Today’s video Doodle celebrates one of history’s most influential scientific minds, English cosmologist, author, and theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. From colliding black holes to the Big Bang, his theories on the origins and mechanics of the universe revolutionized modern physics while his best-selling books made the field widely accessible to millions of readers worldwide.”

“Here’s to an innovator whose astronomical impact changed how the world understands the universe!,” it added.

Further, Google also applauded the Hawking’s family  while stating “In the Doodle, the voice of Stephen Hawking was generated and used with the approval of the Hawking estate,”

Sundar Pichai’s tweet Acknowledging, one of history’s most influential scientific minds, Sundar Pichai tweeted, “Stephen Hawking had a huge influence on so many of us, really excited to celebrate him in a special animated #GoogleDoodle today on what would have been his 80th birthday. Grateful to the Hawking family for sharing insights into his humor, life and legacy.”