
How much tea is good daily?

How much tea is good daily?

Tea is one of the most popular beverages among humankind. There are various ancient texts where you can find tea talks. There are various myths and folklore stories revolving around the magic of tea. You can find tea in every Indian household. There is no specific time for having tea.

Some people drink tea in the morning, others prefer drinking tea in the afternoon while some people prefer to drink tea at night to unwind before sleeping. Tea is something which can be served on auspicious occasions and then can be served regularly also. Tea has its place in Indian households and has been with us from ancient times. Drinking tea such as Kratom tea is good for your health. If you want to know more about the health benefits of Kratom tea, you can read these happy hippo kratom reviews here.

How much tea is good daily?
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In some texts we have seen using tea for its medicinal value. But then how many cups of tea is what should be the quantity of tea consumed daily. As a popular Chinese saying goes “Sometimes enough is enough, too much water drowns the miller”. So one should always look out for the quantity of tea consumption so it does not affect your health and remain beneficial for your health.

It has been said that exceeding 3–4 cups (710–950 ml) per day could have some negative side effects. So one should always regulate or keep a check on their tea-drinking habits. Let us take a look into the side effects that can happen when drinking excessive tea.

3 possible side effects of drinking too much tea

Increased anxiety, stress, and restlessness

Although it is believed that tea is a great stress reducer and one can feel calmness after drinking tea. But excessive amounts of tea can lead to anxiety, stress as well as restlessness. Tea leaves naturally contain caffeine. Consuming caffeine from tea, or any other source may contribute to feelings of anxiety, stress, and restlessness.

How much tea is good daily?
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If you notice your tea habit is making you feel jittery or nervous, it could be a sign you have had too much and may want to cut back to reduce symptoms. If you need to drink tea throughout the day then herbal teas are also a great option as they are not made from the Camellia sinensis plant but different herbs, tea barks, flowers, and leaves.


It is believed that certain compounds in tea can cause nausea when tea is consumed on an empty stomach. Tannins in tea leaves are responsible for the bitter, dry taste of tea. The astringent nature of tannins can also irritate digestive tissue, potentially leading to uncomfortable symptoms, such as nausea or stomach ache.

How much tea is good daily?
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If you notice any of these symptoms after drinking tea, you may want to consider reducing the total amount you drink at any one time. Another alternative can be mixing milk with your tea to reduce the effects.

Poor sleep

It is believed that tea has a calming effect if taken in adequate quantity but if you take tea in excessive quantity then it can also lead to a lack of sleep or poor sleep. Tea naturally contains caffeine, excessive intake may disrupt your sleep cycle. Melatonin is a hormone that signals your brain that it’s time to sleep.

How much tea is good daily?
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Some research suggests that caffeine may inhibit melatonin production, resulting in poor sleep quality. Hence if you are intaking an excessive amount of caffeinated tea and facing poor sleep or fatigue then you may have to start considering alternative options for your tea habits for good mental and physical health.

Now that we have understood the side effects that can take place if we consume a heavy amount of tea. Let us take a deep understanding of how taking an adequate quantity of tea can benefit us. There are various benefits of taking tea at regular intervals such as it helps with reducing your risk of chronic conditions, such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

3 benefits of taking tea

1. Phytonutrients

Teas contain a variety of phytochemicals and phytonutrients since they are coming from different types of plants. Phytonutrients found in teas can help us with antioxidants, fight certain allergies, lower the risk of some cancers as well as support the anti-aging process.

How much tea is good daily?
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Hence if you take tea in adequate quantity then you can enjoy a whole lot of Phytonutrients which are beneficial in maintaining good health and prosperity.

2. Metabolism

If for any reason your metabolism is off then you can try drinking green tea. It is said and believed that tea helps with improving metabolism. As per research, it is also believed that green tea can also help in controlling glucose levels and weight management.

So if you are looking to regulate metabolism and reduce weight then black, green, or oolong tea is most recommended. Tea has many benefits in terms of providing calmness and reducing stress if taken in adequate quantities.

3. Supports Mental Health

It is believed that regular consumption of tea can lead to a decrease in neurological disease and stress levels. Some teas like green tea are also believed to be beneficial in preventing the cognitive decline associated with brain diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.

How much tea is good daily?
Source: Google

Antioxidants in tea eliminate free radicals caused by pollution and other factors, which can cause oxidative stress. Overall tea can help in reducing a lot of stress and help you with your mental health.

Although tea has its charm and is available in some form in every household. As a popular saying goes “if taken in excessive amounts then elixir can also turn into poison”. Hence be sure to indulge in this popular beverage but an adequate amount. After all, having a cup of tea can keep stress away. So did you have your tea today?

Source: Google

If you want to know more about tea making or tea leaves or which brand to choose for your tea leaves then our piece on Gauthaam Anand might be of some help for you. Gautham Anand believes that “A world without tea is best unlived and more so when it’s the perfect combination of the aroma and flavor”.

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