
How to quit smoking?

Quit Smoking

“Smoking helps you lose weight? One lung at a time.”

You might have heard this phrase before, that smoking is injurious to health, but how many of you actually consider it in real life? We have had many experts and advisors say before that it’s toxic to human health.You ever wondered why? Well the answer is simple, there are a huge number of chemicals and toxins released into our body through smoking which contribute to damaging your lungs, your heart and also other usable organs. So, the main question  that comes to mind for those who are seeking assistance is: How to quit smoking?

We all know smoking is dangerous to health in all forms, and it increases the risk of heart disease as well as other illnesses. We can improve in lowering the risk of chronic lung disease by refraining from smoking or quitting. All forms of tobacco are addictive and can highly increase the risk of heart disease and other health related problems.

Smoking or vaping makes those around you powerless. The effects of secondhand smoke are just as deadly as those of passive smoking. Smoking, as well as secondhand smoke, contribute to a range of chronic health problems.

Quit Smoking

Health problems encountered by  frequent smokers: 

  • Difficulty keeping up with friends with sports activities.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Fertility problems.
  • Acid taste in the mouth, Bad breath, Stained teeth and gums.
  • Ulcer.
  • Paler skin and more wrinkles.
  • Diabetes.
  • Blindness, cataract, age-related macular degeneration.
  • Cancer

Whether people smoke or vape, nicotine releases the brain chemical dopamine, which leads to the brain adapting the behavior of having tobacco inside us  all the time, as seen with many drugs. This is also known as reinforcement. However, if you’re smoking with moderation for sure it won’t harm you. So, for safe and moderately smoking purposes, you can also try these cigarettes near me.

With sleek aesthetics and user-friendly interfaces, Voopoo Mods provide a reliable vaping experience for those looking to upgrade their setup. And this way, you’ll be able to quit from smoking.

One fact might surprise you though, that the brain gets a dopamine “hit” from nicotine every time a person takes a puff of a cigarette or inhales vapor from an e-cigarette that contains nicotine.

The Poisonous cycle:

An average smoker takes 10 to 15 puffs per cigarette, so those who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day get at least 250 “hits” each day. That’s a lot of “teaching” for the brain to inhabit the use of nicotine.

Whether a person consumes nicotine through tobacco or vaping, its reinforcing effects might be much more harmful than the user’s  imagination.

When people don’t smoke, they may have withdrawal symptoms. That’s because their bodies have  gotten so used to having nicotine. While nicotine withdrawal is never fun, it is important to remember that it’s only a temporary situation.

With a little preparation and persistence, you will get through it.

Withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Feeling low or sad
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Feeling irritable‚ on edge‚ grouchy
  • Having trouble thinking clearly and  concentrating
  • Feeling restless and jumpy
  • Slower heart rate
  • Always hungry or gaining weight

“Smokers don’t grow Old, they die Young.

If you have smoked for years, you can still reverse these effects and begin experiencing health benefits as soon as you stop smoking and which accumulate to go on for decades.

Smoking causes premature death, reducing life expectancy of smokers by at least 10 years. Quitting before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from smoking-related diseases by about 90%. A list of the health problems caused by smoking would be insufficient, and the irony is that everyone who smokes already knows this.

Below are a few great tips to motivate and assist you in making your move to quit smoking today!

Tips to quit smoking:

  • Analyze your reason

If you want to quit smoking, you need a strong, personal reason for doing so. To keep your family safe from secondhand smoke, you may need to stop smoking.  Improve your overall health by lowering your risk of lung cancer, heart disease, etc. Alternatively, to feel and look younger. Find a reason powerful enough to overcome your urge to smoke.

  • Prepare to give up smoking

The addiction to smoking is real. Nicotine is addictive to the brain. If you don’t have it, you’ll experience withdrawal symptoms. Ensure your support is in place ahead of time. Various methods such as quit smoking courses and apps, therapy, medication, and hypnosis are available. Ask your doctor what is best for you. Whenever you decide to quit, you will be prepared.

  • Consider eliminating nicotine when you quit smoking

Smokers who discontinue smoking may suffer headaches, mood swings, or feelings of fatigue. It is difficult to resist the desire to smoke just one cigarette. It’s possible to stop these urges using nicotine replacement therapy. Researchers have proven that Nicotine has resulted in conditions causing  gums, lozenges, and patches which shall force you to  quit and all the while participating in a quit smoking program.

  • Become familiar with prescription drugs 

If you do decide to pick up a cigarette, you may feel less satisfied after taking medications to stop the cravings. In addition to opioids, other drugs can ease withdrawal symptoms, such as depression and concentration issues.

  • Rely on loved ones To help you quit 

Don’t hesitate to tell your friends, family, and others close to you that you are quitting. When you feel tempted to light up, they can motivate you to stick it out. Alternatively, you can contact a counselor or join a support group. You can use behavioral therapy to determine and follow quitting smoking strategies. One or two sessions may be enough to help.

  • Get yourself a break.

Smoking is a relaxing activity due to the presence of nicotine. But honestly, your stress level will decrease if  you decide to quit smoking. A variety of options are available. Exercise can relieve stress, music can make you feel better, or you can make time for a hobby. All these activities will put a stop to your bad habit and you wouldn’t even come to know, with inclusion of complete enjoyment while performing these recreation. In, weeks following stopping smoking, avoid stressful situations.

  • Don’t consume alcohol and other triggers. 

Drinking makes it harder to stay smoke-free. As a result, you should limit your intake of alcohol when you are first quitting. For the same reason, if you smoke often when drinking coffee, or trying to switch to tea for a while causing intense addiction. Take a walk, brush your teeth, text a friend, or chew gum instead of smoking after meals if you usually smoke after meals.

  • Always clean the house before you leave 

Put your ashtrays and lighters in the trash after finishing your last cigarette. Clean your carpets, draperies, and upholstery as well as any clothes that smell like smoke. Remove that familiar smell with air fresheners. Cleaning your car is equally important if you smoke there. There should be nothing in the room to remind you of smoking.

  • Keep trying and pushing yourself 

You shouldn’t let discouragement stop you from achieving your goals. Consider the emotions that contributed to your relapse, or the setting you were in, instead. Your commitment to quitting can be strengthened by taking advantage of this opportunity. After you’ve decided to try again, set a “quitting date” within the month.

  • Try to Stay Active

Withdrawal symptoms can be eased by exercising. In-line skates or jogging shoes are a better alternative than cigarettes when you feel like smoking. It also helps to ease your mind, with acts such as walking your dog or taking care of your garden. By quitting smoking, you will also prevent weight gain.

Quit Smoking

  • Get plenty of fruits and vegetables

You shouldn’t attempt to lose weight while you quit smoking. The consequences of deprivation can be disastrous. Make healthier food choices by eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Your whole body will benefit from these.

  • Stay Around People Who Don’t Smoke

Hanging out with  people other than who can entice you into smoking,instead try hanging around with people who do not smoke that will probably keep you occupied without the need to light up. Also, inform your friends that you are no longer smoking. Speaking up helps keep you accountable, make the world aware that you are a nonsmoker and one that you intend to stick with.

  • It’s Never Too Late to Quit

Immediately after quitting, you begin to feel better. It only takes 20 minutes for your heart rate to return to normal. Carbon monoxide levels in blood also fall within a day. It will take only a few weeks for you to get a lower risk of heart attack. Additionally, you will reduce your chances of getting lung cancer and other types of cancer in the long run.

If you’re willing to quit smoking, just replace the word tomorrow with today and later with now. If you know “why” you want to quit, “what” and “how” it will become much easier for you. Instead of relying on external motivation, truly engage in this for the wellbeing of yourself and your family.

Understand that making a decision to quit smoking is a Personal responsibility!

Remember it’s possible for everyone, it’s just a decision to Make. Today is when you Say “I Never Smoke.”